Platform DesignWare HS OTG USB 2.0 controller

Required properties:
- compatible : One of:
  - brcm,bcm2835-usb: The DWC2 USB controller instance in the BCM2835 SoC.
  - snps,dwc2: A generic DWC2 USB controller with default parameters.
- reg : Should contain 1 register range (address and length)
- interrupts : Should contain 1 interrupt
- clocks: clock provider specifier
- clock-names: shall be "otg"
Refer to clk/clock-bindings.txt for generic clock consumer properties

Optional properties:
- phys: phy provider specifier
- phy-names: shall be "usb2-phy"
Refer to phy/phy-bindings.txt for generic phy consumer properties


        usb@101c0000 {
                compatible = "ralink,rt3050-usb, snps,dwc2";
                reg = <0x101c0000 40000>;
                interrupts = <18>;
		clocks = <&usb_otg_ahb_clk>;
		clock-names = "otg";
		phys = <&usbphy>;
		phy-names = "usb2-phy";