XILINX AXI ETHERNET Device Tree Bindings

Also called  AXI 1G/2.5G Ethernet Subsystem, the xilinx axi ethernet IP core
provides connectivity to an external ethernet PHY supporting different
interfaces: MII, GMII, RGMII, SGMII, 1000BaseX. It also includes two
segments of memory for buffering TX and RX, as well as the capability of
offloading TX/RX checksum calculation off the processor.

Management configuration is done through the AXI interface, while payload is
sent and received through means of an AXI DMA controller. This driver
includes the DMA driver code, so this driver is incompatible with AXI DMA

For more details about mdio please refer phy.txt file in the same directory.

Required properties:
- compatible	: Must be one of "xlnx,axi-ethernet-1.00.a",
		  "xlnx,axi-ethernet-1.01.a", "xlnx,axi-ethernet-2.01.a"
- reg		: Address and length of the IO space, as well as the address
                  and length of the AXI DMA controller IO space, unless
                  axistream-connected is specified, in which case the reg
                  attribute of the node referenced by it is used.
- interrupts	: Should be a list of 2 or 3 interrupts: TX DMA, RX DMA,
		  and optionally Ethernet core. If axistream-connected is
		  specified, the TX/RX DMA interrupts should be on that node
		  instead, and only the Ethernet core interrupt is optionally
		  specified here.
- phy-handle	: Should point to the external phy device if exists. Pointing
		  this to the PCS/PMA PHY is deprecated and should be avoided.
		  See ethernet.txt file in the same directory.
- xlnx,rxmem	: Set to allocated memory buffer for Rx/Tx in the hardware

Optional properties:
- phy-mode	: See ethernet.txt
- xlnx,phy-type	: Deprecated, do not use, but still accepted in preference
		  to phy-mode.
- xlnx,txcsum	: 0 or empty for disabling TX checksum offload,
		  1 to enable partial TX checksum offload,
		  2 to enable full TX checksum offload
- xlnx,rxcsum	: Same values as xlnx,txcsum but for RX checksum offload
- xlnx,switch-x-sgmii : Boolean to indicate the Ethernet core is configured to
		  support both 1000BaseX and SGMII modes. If set, the phy-mode
		  should be set to match the mode selected on core reset (i.e.
		  by the basex_or_sgmii core input line).
- clock-names: 	  Tuple listing input clock names. Possible clocks:
		  s_axi_lite_clk: Clock for AXI register slave interface
		  axis_clk: AXI4-Stream clock for TXD RXD TXC and RXS interfaces
		  ref_clk: Ethernet reference clock, used by signal delay
			   primitives and transceivers
		  mgt_clk: MGT reference clock (used by optional internal
			   PCS/PMA PHY)

		  Note that if s_axi_lite_clk is not specified by name, the
		  first clock of any name is used for this. If that is also not
		  specified, the clock rate is auto-detected from the CPU clock
		  (but only on platforms where this is possible). New device
		  trees should specify all applicable clocks by name - the
		  fallbacks to an unnamed clock or to CPU clock are only for
		  backward compatibility.
- clocks: 	  Phandles to input clocks matching clock-names. Refer to common
		  clock bindings.
- axistream-connected: Reference to another node which contains the resources
		       for the AXI DMA controller used by this device.
		       If this is specified, the DMA-related resources from that
		       device (DMA registers and DMA TX/RX interrupts) rather
		       than this one will be used.
 - mdio		: Child node for MDIO bus. Must be defined if PHY access is
		  required through the core's MDIO interface (i.e. always,
		  unless the PHY is accessed through a different bus).
		  Non-standard MDIO bus frequency is supported via
		  "clock-frequency", see mdio.yaml.

 - pcs-handle: 	  Phandle to the internal PCS/PMA PHY in SGMII or 1000Base-X
		  modes, where "pcs-handle" should be used to point
		  to the PCS/PMA PHY, and "phy-handle" should point to an
		  external PHY if exists.

	axi_ethernet_eth: ethernet@40c00000 {
		compatible = "xlnx,axi-ethernet-1.00.a";
		device_type = "network";
		interrupt-parent = <&microblaze_0_axi_intc>;
		interrupts = <2 0 1>;
		clock-names = "s_axi_lite_clk", "axis_clk", "ref_clk", "mgt_clk";
		clocks = <&axi_clk>, <&axi_clk>, <&pl_enet_ref_clk>, <&mgt_clk>;
		phy-mode = "mii";
		reg = <0x40c00000 0x40000 0x50c00000 0x40000>;
		xlnx,rxcsum = <0x2>;
		xlnx,rxmem = <0x800>;
		xlnx,txcsum = <0x2>;
		phy-handle = <&phy0>;
		axi_ethernetlite_0_mdio: mdio {
			#address-cells = <1>;
			#size-cells = <0>;
			phy0: phy@0 {
				device_type = "ethernet-phy";
				reg = <1>;