/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Eric Benard - eric@eukrea.com * * Based on pcm970-baseboard.c which is : * Copyright (C) 2008 Juergen Beisert (kernel@pengutronix.de) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/spi/spi.h> #include <linux/spi/ads7846.h> #include <linux/backlight.h> #include <video/platform_lcd.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <mach/common.h> #include <mach/iomux-mx27.h> #include <mach/hardware.h> #include "devices-imx27.h" static const int eukrea_mbimx27_pins[] __initconst = { /* UART2 */ PE3_PF_UART2_CTS, PE4_PF_UART2_RTS, PE6_PF_UART2_TXD, PE7_PF_UART2_RXD, /* UART3 */ PE8_PF_UART3_TXD, PE9_PF_UART3_RXD, PE10_PF_UART3_CTS, PE11_PF_UART3_RTS, /* UART4 */ #if !defined(MACH_EUKREA_CPUIMX27_USEUART4) PB26_AF_UART4_RTS, PB28_AF_UART4_TXD, PB29_AF_UART4_CTS, PB31_AF_UART4_RXD, #endif /* SDHC1*/ PE18_PF_SD1_D0, PE19_PF_SD1_D1, PE20_PF_SD1_D2, PE21_PF_SD1_D3, PE22_PF_SD1_CMD, PE23_PF_SD1_CLK, /* display */ PA5_PF_LSCLK, PA6_PF_LD0, PA7_PF_LD1, PA8_PF_LD2, PA9_PF_LD3, PA10_PF_LD4, PA11_PF_LD5, PA12_PF_LD6, PA13_PF_LD7, PA14_PF_LD8, PA15_PF_LD9, PA16_PF_LD10, PA17_PF_LD11, PA18_PF_LD12, PA19_PF_LD13, PA20_PF_LD14, PA21_PF_LD15, PA22_PF_LD16, PA23_PF_LD17, PA28_PF_HSYNC, PA29_PF_VSYNC, PA30_PF_CONTRAST, PA31_PF_OE_ACD, /* SPI1 */ PD29_PF_CSPI1_SCLK, PD30_PF_CSPI1_MISO, PD31_PF_CSPI1_MOSI, /* SSI4 */ #if defined(CONFIG_SND_SOC_EUKREA_TLV320) \ || defined(CONFIG_SND_SOC_EUKREA_TLV320_MODULE) PC16_PF_SSI4_FS, PC17_PF_SSI4_RXD | GPIO_PUEN, PC18_PF_SSI4_TXD | GPIO_PUEN, PC19_PF_SSI4_CLK, #endif }; static const uint32_t eukrea_mbimx27_keymap[] = { KEY(0, 0, KEY_UP), KEY(0, 1, KEY_DOWN), KEY(1, 0, KEY_RIGHT), KEY(1, 1, KEY_LEFT), }; static const struct matrix_keymap_data eukrea_mbimx27_keymap_data __initconst = { .keymap = eukrea_mbimx27_keymap, .keymap_size = ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_keymap), }; static const struct gpio_led eukrea_mbimx27_gpio_leds[] __initconst = { { .name = "led1", .default_trigger = "heartbeat", .active_low = 1, .gpio = GPIO_PORTF | 16, }, { .name = "led2", .default_trigger = "none", .active_low = 1, .gpio = GPIO_PORTF | 19, }, }; static const struct gpio_led_platform_data eukrea_mbimx27_gpio_led_info __initconst = { .leds = eukrea_mbimx27_gpio_leds, .num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_gpio_leds), }; static struct imx_fb_videomode eukrea_mbimx27_modes[] = { { .mode = { .name = "CMO-QVGA", .refresh = 60, .xres = 320, .yres = 240, .pixclock = 156000, .hsync_len = 30, .left_margin = 38, .right_margin = 20, .vsync_len = 3, .upper_margin = 15, .lower_margin = 4, }, .pcr = 0xFAD08B80, .bpp = 16, }, { .mode = { .name = "DVI-VGA", .refresh = 60, .xres = 640, .yres = 480, .pixclock = 32000, .hsync_len = 1, .left_margin = 35, .right_margin = 0, .vsync_len = 1, .upper_margin = 7, .lower_margin = 0, }, .pcr = 0xFA208B80, .bpp = 16, }, { .mode = { .name = "DVI-SVGA", .refresh = 60, .xres = 800, .yres = 600, .pixclock = 25000, .hsync_len = 1, .left_margin = 35, .right_margin = 0, .vsync_len = 1, .upper_margin = 7, .lower_margin = 0, }, .pcr = 0xFA208B80, .bpp = 16, }, }; static const struct imx_fb_platform_data eukrea_mbimx27_fb_data __initconst = { .mode = eukrea_mbimx27_modes, .num_modes = ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_modes), .pwmr = 0x00A903FF, .lscr1 = 0x00120300, .dmacr = 0x00040060, }; static void eukrea_mbimx27_bl_set_intensity(int intensity) { if (intensity) gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PORTE | 5, 1); else gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PORTE | 5, 0); } static struct generic_bl_info eukrea_mbimx27_bl_info = { .name = "eukrea_mbimx27-bl", .max_intensity = 0xff, .default_intensity = 0xff, .set_bl_intensity = eukrea_mbimx27_bl_set_intensity, }; static struct platform_device eukrea_mbimx27_bl_dev = { .name = "generic-bl", .id = 1, .dev = { .platform_data = &eukrea_mbimx27_bl_info, }, }; static void eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_power_set(struct plat_lcd_data *pd, unsigned int power) { if (power) gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PORTA | 25, 1); else gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PORTA | 25, 0); } static struct plat_lcd_data eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_power_data = { .set_power = eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_power_set, }; static struct platform_device eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_powerdev = { .name = "platform-lcd", .dev.platform_data = &eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_power_data, }; static const struct imxuart_platform_data uart_pdata __initconst = { .flags = IMXUART_HAVE_RTSCTS, }; #define ADS7846_PENDOWN (GPIO_PORTD | 25) static void __maybe_unused ads7846_dev_init(void) { if (gpio_request(ADS7846_PENDOWN, "ADS7846 pendown") < 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "can't get ads7846 pen down GPIO\n"); return; } gpio_direction_input(ADS7846_PENDOWN); } static int ads7846_get_pendown_state(void) { return !gpio_get_value(ADS7846_PENDOWN); } static struct ads7846_platform_data ads7846_config __initdata = { .get_pendown_state = ads7846_get_pendown_state, .keep_vref_on = 1, }; static struct spi_board_info __maybe_unused eukrea_mbimx27_spi_board_info[] __initdata = { [0] = { .modalias = "ads7846", .bus_num = 0, .chip_select = 0, .max_speed_hz = 1500000, /* irq number is run-time assigned */ .platform_data = &ads7846_config, .mode = SPI_MODE_2, }, }; static int eukrea_mbimx27_spi_cs[] = {GPIO_PORTD | 28}; static const struct spi_imx_master eukrea_mbimx27_spi0_data __initconst = { .chipselect = eukrea_mbimx27_spi_cs, .num_chipselect = ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_spi_cs), }; static struct i2c_board_info eukrea_mbimx27_i2c_devices[] = { { I2C_BOARD_INFO("tlv320aic23", 0x1a), }, }; static const struct imxmmc_platform_data sdhc_pdata __initconst = { .dat3_card_detect = 1, }; static const struct imx_ssi_platform_data eukrea_mbimx27_ssi_pdata __initconst = { .flags = IMX_SSI_DMA | IMX_SSI_USE_I2S_SLAVE, }; /* * system init for baseboard usage. Will be called by cpuimx27 init. * * Add platform devices present on this baseboard and init * them from CPU side as far as required to use them later on */ void __init eukrea_mbimx27_baseboard_init(void) { mxc_gpio_setup_multiple_pins(eukrea_mbimx27_pins, ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_pins), "MBIMX27"); imx27_add_imx_uart1(&uart_pdata); imx27_add_imx_uart2(&uart_pdata); #if !defined(MACH_EUKREA_CPUIMX27_USEUART4) imx27_add_imx_uart3(&uart_pdata); #endif imx27_add_imx_fb(&eukrea_mbimx27_fb_data); imx27_add_mxc_mmc(0, &sdhc_pdata); i2c_register_board_info(0, eukrea_mbimx27_i2c_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_i2c_devices)); imx27_add_imx_ssi(0, &eukrea_mbimx27_ssi_pdata); #if defined(CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ADS7846) \ || defined(CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_ADS7846_MODULE) /* ADS7846 Touchscreen controller init */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTD | 25 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_IN); ads7846_dev_init(); #endif /* SPI_CS0 init */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTD | 28 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); imx27_add_spi_imx0(&eukrea_mbimx27_spi0_data); eukrea_mbimx27_spi_board_info[0].irq = gpio_to_irq(IMX_GPIO_NR(4, 25)); spi_register_board_info(eukrea_mbimx27_spi_board_info, ARRAY_SIZE(eukrea_mbimx27_spi_board_info)); /* Leds configuration */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTF | 16 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTF | 19 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); /* Backlight */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTE | 5 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); gpio_request(GPIO_PORTE | 5, "backlight"); platform_device_register(&eukrea_mbimx27_bl_dev); /* LCD Reset */ mxc_gpio_mode(GPIO_PORTA | 25 | GPIO_GPIO | GPIO_OUT); gpio_request(GPIO_PORTA | 25, "lcd_enable"); platform_device_register(&eukrea_mbimx27_lcd_powerdev); imx27_add_imx_keypad(&eukrea_mbimx27_keymap_data); gpio_led_register_device(-1, &eukrea_mbimx27_gpio_led_info); }