#!/usr/bin/env perl # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Treewide grep for references to files under Documentation, and report # non-existing files in stderr. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev); # NOTE: only add things here when the file was gone, but the text wants # to mention a past documentation file, for example, to give credits for # the original work. my %false_positives = ( "Documentation/scsi/scsi_mid_low_api.rst" => "Documentation/Configure.help", "drivers/vhost/vhost.c" => "Documentation/virtual/lguest/lguest.c", ); my $scriptname = $0; $scriptname =~ s,.*/([^/]+/),$1,; # Parse arguments my $help = 0; my $fix = 0; my $warn = 0; if (! -d ".git") { printf "Warning: can't check if file exists, as this is not a git tree"; exit 0; } GetOptions( 'fix' => \$fix, 'warn' => \$warn, 'h|help|usage' => \$help, ); if ($help != 0) { print "$scriptname [--help] [--fix]\n"; exit -1; } # Step 1: find broken references print "Finding broken references. This may take a while... " if ($fix); my %broken_ref; my $doc_fix = 0; open IN, "git grep ':doc:\`' Documentation/|" or die "Failed to run git grep"; while (<IN>) { next if (!m,^([^:]+):.*\:doc\:\`([^\`]+)\`,); next if (m,sphinx/,); my $file = $1; my $d = $1; my $doc_ref = $2; my $f = $doc_ref; $d =~ s,(.*/).*,$1,; $f =~ s,.*\<([^\>]+)\>,$1,; if ($f =~ m,^/,) { $f = "$f.rst"; $f =~ s,^/,Documentation/,; } else { $f = "$d$f.rst"; } next if (grep -e, glob("$f")); if ($fix && !$doc_fix) { print STDERR "\nWARNING: Currently, can't fix broken :doc:`` fields\n"; } $doc_fix++; print STDERR "$file: :doc:`$doc_ref`\n"; } close IN; open IN, "git grep 'Documentation/'|" or die "Failed to run git grep"; while (<IN>) { next if (!m/^([^:]+):(.*)/); my $f = $1; my $ln = $2; # On linux-next, discard the Next/ directory next if ($f =~ m,^Next/,); # Makefiles and scripts contain nasty expressions to parse docs next if ($f =~ m/Makefile/ || $f =~ m/\.sh$/); # Skip this script next if ($f eq $scriptname); # Ignore the dir where documentation will be built next if ($ln =~ m,\b(\S*)Documentation/output,); if ($ln =~ m,\b(\S*)(Documentation/[A-Za-z0-9\_\.\,\~/\*\[\]\?+-]*)(.*),) { my $prefix = $1; my $ref = $2; my $base = $2; my $extra = $3; # some file references are like: # /usr/src/linux/Documentation/DMA-{API,mapping}.txt # For now, ignore them next if ($extra =~ m/^{/); # Remove footnotes at the end like: # Documentation/devicetree/dt-object-internal.txt[1] $ref =~ s/(txt|rst)\[\d+]$/$1/; # Remove ending ']' without any '[' $ref =~ s/\].*// if (!($ref =~ m/\[/)); # Remove puntuation marks at the end $ref =~ s/[\,\.]+$//; my $fulref = "$prefix$ref"; $fulref =~ s/^(\<file|ref)://; $fulref =~ s/^[\'\`]+//; $fulref =~ s,^\$\(.*\)/,,; $base =~ s,.*/,,; # Remove URL false-positives next if ($fulref =~ m/^http/); # Remove sched-pelt false-positive next if ($fulref =~ m,^Documentation/scheduler/sched-pelt$,); # Discard some build examples from Documentation/target/tcm_mod_builder.rst next if ($fulref =~ m,mnt/sdb/lio-core-2.6.git/Documentation/target,); # Check if exists, evaluating wildcards next if (grep -e, glob("$ref $fulref")); # Accept relative Documentation patches for tools/ if ($f =~ m/tools/) { my $path = $f; $path =~ s,(.*)/.*,$1,; next if (grep -e, glob("$path/$ref $path/../$ref $path/$fulref")); } # Discard known false-positives if (defined($false_positives{$f})) { next if ($false_positives{$f} eq $fulref); } if ($fix) { if (!($ref =~ m/(scripts|Kconfig|Kbuild)/)) { $broken_ref{$ref}++; } } elsif ($warn) { print STDERR "Warning: $f references a file that doesn't exist: $fulref\n"; } else { print STDERR "$f: $fulref\n"; } } } close IN; exit 0 if (!$fix); # Step 2: Seek for file name alternatives print "Auto-fixing broken references. Please double-check the results\n"; foreach my $ref (keys %broken_ref) { my $new =$ref; my $basedir = "."; # On translations, only seek inside the translations directory $basedir = $1 if ($ref =~ m,(Documentation/translations/[^/]+),); # get just the basename $new =~ s,.*/,,; my $f=""; # usual reason for breakage: DT file moved around if ($ref =~ /devicetree/) { # usual reason for breakage: DT file renamed to .yaml if (!$f) { my $new_ref = $ref; $new_ref =~ s/\.txt$/.yaml/; $f=$new_ref if (-f $new_ref); } if (!$f) { my $search = $new; $search =~ s,^.*/,,; $f = qx(find Documentation/devicetree/ -iname "*$search*") if ($search); if (!$f) { # Manufacturer name may have changed $search =~ s/^.*,//; $f = qx(find Documentation/devicetree/ -iname "*$search*") if ($search); } } } # usual reason for breakage: file renamed to .rst if (!$f) { $new =~ s/\.txt$/.rst/; $f=qx(find $basedir -iname $new) if ($new); } # usual reason for breakage: use dash or underline if (!$f) { $new =~ s/[-_]/[-_]/g; $f=qx(find $basedir -iname $new) if ($new); } # Wild guess: seek for the same name on another place if (!$f) { $f = qx(find $basedir -iname $new) if ($new); } my @find = split /\s+/, $f; if (!$f) { print STDERR "ERROR: Didn't find a replacement for $ref\n"; } elsif (scalar(@find) > 1) { print STDERR "WARNING: Won't auto-replace, as found multiple files close to $ref:\n"; foreach my $j (@find) { $j =~ s,^./,,; print STDERR " $j\n"; } } else { $f = $find[0]; $f =~ s,^./,,; print "INFO: Replacing $ref to $f\n"; foreach my $j (qx(git grep -l $ref)) { qx(sed "s\@$ref\@$f\@g" -i $j); } } }