When setting the 100MHz, 500MHz, 666MHz and 1GHz rate for CPU clocks, CCF will use the SYS_PLL to handle these frequencies, but: - using FIXED_PLL derived FCLK_DIV2/DIV3 clocks is more precise - the Amlogic G12A/G12B/SM1 Suspend handling in firmware doesn't handle entering suspend using SYS_PLL for these frequencies Adding CLK_MUX_ROUND_CLOSEST on all the muxes of the non-SYS_PLL cpu clock tree helps CCF always selecting the FCLK_DIV2/DIV3 as source for these frequencies. Fixes: ffae8475b90c ("clk: meson: g12a: add notifiers to handle cpu clock change") Signed-off-by: Neil Armstrong <narmstrong@baylibre.com> Signed-off-by: Jerome Brunet <jbrunet@baylibre.com>