batman-adv would forward OGMs from non-besthops while replacing the the TQ and TTL values with the values from the best hop. In certain corner cases this leads to a temporary routing loop. This patch changes this behavior: Only packets from best next hops are forwarded - TQ and TTL values won't be replaced anymore. However, the protocol needs to rebroadcast OGMs from single hop neighbors regardless of whether or not they are the best hop. To handle this case a new flag is introduced to alert neighboring nodes about the forwarded OGM that is not from my best next hop. It is to be discarded by all nodes except for the one originating the OGM. Signed-off-by: Marek Lindner <lindner_marek@yahoo.de> Acked-by: Daniele Furlan <daniele.furlan@gmail.com> Tested-by: Simon Wunderlich <siwu@hrz.tu-chemnitz.de>