Christophe Leroy 16132529ce powerpc/32s: Rework Kernel Userspace Access Protection
On book3s/32, KUAP is provided by toggling Ks bit in segment registers.
One segment register addresses 256M of virtual memory.

At the time being, KUAP implements a complex logic to apply the
unlock/lock on the exact number of segments covering the user range
to access, with saving the boundaries of the range of segments in
a member of thread struct.

But most if not all user accesses are within a single segment.

Rework KUAP with a different approach:
- Open only one segment, the one corresponding to the starting
address of the range to be accessed.
- If a second segment is involved, it will generate a page fault. The
segment will then be open by the page fault handler.

The kuap member of thread struct will now contain:
- The start address of the current on going user access, that will be
used to know which segment to lock at the end of the user access.
- ~0 when no user access is open
- ~1 when additionnal segments are opened by a page fault.

Then, at lock time
- When only one segment is open, close it.
- When several segments are open, close all user segments.

Almost 100% of the time, only one segment will be involved.

In interrupts, inline the function that unlock/lock all segments,
because not inlining them implies a lot of register save/restore.

With the patch, writing value 128 in userspace in perf_copy_attr() is
done with 16 instructions:

    3890:	93 82 04 dc 	stw     r28,1244(r2)
    3894:	7d 20 e5 26 	mfsrin  r9,r28
    3898:	55 29 00 80 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,2,0
    389c:	7d 20 e1 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r28
    38a0:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync

    38a4:	39 20 00 80 	li      r9,128
    38a8:	91 3c 00 00 	stw     r9,0(r28)

    38ac:	81 42 04 dc 	lwz     r10,1244(r2)
    38b0:	39 00 ff ff 	li      r8,-1
    38b4:	91 02 04 dc 	stw     r8,1244(r2)
    38b8:	2c 0a ff fe 	cmpwi   r10,-2
    38bc:	41 82 00 88 	beq     3944 <perf_copy_attr+0x36c>
    38c0:	7d 20 55 26 	mfsrin  r9,r10
    38c4:	65 29 40 00 	oris    r9,r9,16384
    38c8:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    38cc:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync
    3944:	48 00 00 01 	bl      3944 <perf_copy_attr+0x36c>
			3944: R_PPC_REL24	kuap_lock_all_ool

Before the patch it was 118 instructions. In reality only 42 are
executed in most cases, but GCC is not able to see that a properly
aligned user access cannot involve more than one segment.

    5060:	39 1d 00 04 	addi    r8,r29,4
    5064:	3d 20 b0 00 	lis     r9,-20480
    5068:	7c 08 48 40 	cmplw   r8,r9
    506c:	40 81 00 08 	ble     5074 <perf_copy_attr+0x2cc>
    5070:	3d 00 b0 00 	lis     r8,-20480
    5074:	39 28 ff ff 	addi    r9,r8,-1
    5078:	57 aa 00 06 	rlwinm  r10,r29,0,0,3
    507c:	55 29 27 3e 	rlwinm  r9,r9,4,28,31
    5080:	39 29 00 01 	addi    r9,r9,1
    5084:	7d 29 53 78 	or      r9,r9,r10
    5088:	91 22 04 dc 	stw     r9,1244(r2)
    508c:	7d 20 ed 26 	mfsrin  r9,r29
    5090:	55 29 00 80 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,2,0
    5094:	7c 08 50 40 	cmplw   r8,r10
    5098:	40 81 00 c0 	ble     5158 <perf_copy_attr+0x3b0>
    509c:	7d 46 50 f8 	not     r6,r10
    50a0:	7c c6 42 14 	add     r6,r6,r8
    50a4:	54 c6 27 be 	rlwinm  r6,r6,4,30,31
    50a8:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    50ac:	3c ea 10 00 	addis   r7,r10,4096
    50b0:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    50b4:	7f 88 38 40 	cmplw   cr7,r8,r7
    50b8:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    50bc:	40 9d 00 9c 	ble     cr7,5158 <perf_copy_attr+0x3b0>

    50c0:	2f 86 00 00 	cmpwi   cr7,r6,0
    50c4:	41 9e 00 4c 	beq     cr7,5110 <perf_copy_attr+0x368>
    50c8:	2f 86 00 01 	cmpwi   cr7,r6,1
    50cc:	41 9e 00 2c 	beq     cr7,50f8 <perf_copy_attr+0x350>
    50d0:	2f 86 00 02 	cmpwi   cr7,r6,2
    50d4:	41 9e 00 14 	beq     cr7,50e8 <perf_copy_attr+0x340>
    50d8:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    50dc:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    50e0:	3c e7 10 00 	addis   r7,r7,4096
    50e4:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    50e8:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    50ec:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    50f0:	3c e7 10 00 	addis   r7,r7,4096
    50f4:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    50f8:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    50fc:	3c e7 10 00 	addis   r7,r7,4096
    5100:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5104:	7f 88 38 40 	cmplw   cr7,r8,r7
    5108:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    510c:	40 9d 00 4c 	ble     cr7,5158 <perf_copy_attr+0x3b0>
    5110:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    5114:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5118:	3c c7 10 00 	addis   r6,r7,4096
    511c:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5120:	7d 20 31 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r6
    5124:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5128:	3c c6 10 00 	addis   r6,r6,4096
    512c:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5130:	7d 20 31 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r6
    5134:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5138:	3c c7 30 00 	addis   r6,r7,12288
    513c:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5140:	7d 20 31 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r6
    5144:	3c e7 40 00 	addis   r7,r7,16384
    5148:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    514c:	7f 88 38 40 	cmplw   cr7,r8,r7
    5150:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5154:	41 9d ff bc 	bgt     cr7,5110 <perf_copy_attr+0x368>

    5158:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync
    515c:	39 20 00 80 	li      r9,128
    5160:	91 3d 00 00 	stw     r9,0(r29)

    5164:	38 e0 00 00 	li      r7,0
    5168:	90 e2 04 dc 	stw     r7,1244(r2)
    516c:	7d 20 ed 26 	mfsrin  r9,r29
    5170:	65 29 40 00 	oris    r9,r9,16384
    5174:	40 81 00 c0 	ble     5234 <perf_copy_attr+0x48c>
    5178:	7d 47 50 f8 	not     r7,r10
    517c:	7c e7 42 14 	add     r7,r7,r8
    5180:	54 e7 27 be 	rlwinm  r7,r7,4,30,31
    5184:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    5188:	3d 4a 10 00 	addis   r10,r10,4096
    518c:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5190:	7c 08 50 40 	cmplw   r8,r10
    5194:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5198:	40 81 00 9c 	ble     5234 <perf_copy_attr+0x48c>

    519c:	2c 07 00 00 	cmpwi   r7,0
    51a0:	41 82 00 4c 	beq     51ec <perf_copy_attr+0x444>
    51a4:	2c 07 00 01 	cmpwi   r7,1
    51a8:	41 82 00 2c 	beq     51d4 <perf_copy_attr+0x42c>
    51ac:	2c 07 00 02 	cmpwi   r7,2
    51b0:	41 82 00 14 	beq     51c4 <perf_copy_attr+0x41c>
    51b4:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    51b8:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    51bc:	3d 4a 10 00 	addis   r10,r10,4096
    51c0:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    51c4:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    51c8:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    51cc:	3d 4a 10 00 	addis   r10,r10,4096
    51d0:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    51d4:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    51d8:	3d 4a 10 00 	addis   r10,r10,4096
    51dc:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    51e0:	7c 08 50 40 	cmplw   r8,r10
    51e4:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    51e8:	40 81 00 4c 	ble     5234 <perf_copy_attr+0x48c>
    51ec:	7d 20 51 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r10
    51f0:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    51f4:	3c ea 10 00 	addis   r7,r10,4096
    51f8:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    51fc:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    5200:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5204:	3c e7 10 00 	addis   r7,r7,4096
    5208:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    520c:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    5210:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5214:	3c ea 30 00 	addis   r7,r10,12288
    5218:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    521c:	7d 20 39 e4 	mtsrin  r9,r7
    5220:	3d 4a 40 00 	addis   r10,r10,16384
    5224:	39 29 01 11 	addi    r9,r9,273
    5228:	7c 08 50 40 	cmplw   r8,r10
    522c:	55 29 02 06 	rlwinm  r9,r9,0,8,3
    5230:	41 81 ff bc 	bgt     51ec <perf_copy_attr+0x444>

    5234:	4c 00 01 2c 	isync

Signed-off-by: Christophe Leroy <>
[mpe: Export the ool handlers to fix build errors]
Signed-off-by: Michael Ellerman <>
2021-06-17 00:09:08 +10:00
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2021-05-16 15:27:44 -07:00

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