The example in this one had a completely wrong compatible so I've fixed that. Otherwise, a fairly simple conversion. Note the driver itself is still in staging. Looking back at the last discussion around this, I think we were just waiting for some test results on some refactors. As such the binding should be stable even if the driver might need a little more love and attention. Signed-off-by: Jonathan Cameron <Jonathan.Cameron@huawei.com> Reviewed-by: Rob Herring <robh@kernel.org> Cc: Marcelo Schmitt <marcelo.schmitt1@gmail.com> Cc: Gabriel Capella <gabriel@capella.pro> Cc: Alexandru Ardelean <Alexandru.Ardelean@analog.com> Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20201031184854.745828-6-jic23@kernel.org