The conversion of mac80211's station table to rhashtable had a bug that I found by accident in code review, that hadn't been found as rhashtable apparently managed to have a maximum hash chain length of one (!) in all our testing. In order to test the bug and verify the fix I set my rhashtable's max_size very low (4) in order to force getting hash collisions. At that point, rhashtable WARNed in rhashtable_insert_rehash() but didn't actually reject the hash table insertion. This caused it to lose insertions - my master list of stations would have 9 entries, but the rhashtable only had 5. This may warrant a deeper look, but that WARN_ON() just shouldn't happen. Fix this by not returning true from rht_grow_above_100() when the rhashtable's max_size has been reached - in this case the user is explicitly configuring it to be at most that big, so even if it's now above 100% it shouldn't attempt to resize. This fixes the "lost insertion" issue and consequently allows my code to display its error (and verify my fix for it.) Signed-off-by: Johannes Berg <johannes.berg@intel.com> Acked-by: Thomas Graf <tgraf@suug.ch> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <davem@davemloft.net>