Add netlink command that enables/disables privileged QKEY by default. It is disabled by default, since according to IB spec only privileged users are allowed to use privileged QKEY. According to the IB specification rel-1.6, section 3.5.3: "QKEYs with the most significant bit set are considered controlled QKEYs, and a HCA does not allow a consumer to arbitrarily specify a controlled QKEY." Using rdma tool, $rdma system set privileged-qkey on When enabled non-privileged users would be able to use controlled QKEYs which are considered privileged. Using rdma tool, $rdma system set privileged-qkey off When disabled only privileged users would be able to use controlled QKEYs. You can also use the command below to check the parameter state: $rdma system show netns shared privileged-qkey off copy-on-fork on Signed-off-by: Patrisious Haddad <> Link: Signed-off-by: Leon Romanovsky <>