Here's the latest iteration of the universal planes work, which I believe is finally ready for merging. Aside from the minor driver patches to use the new drm_for_each_legacy_plane() macro for plane loops, these should all have an r-b from Rob Clark now. Actual userspace-visibility is currently hidden behind a drm.universal_planes module parameter so that we can do some experimental testing of this before flipping it on universally. * 'primary-plane' of git://people.freedesktop.org/~robclark/linux: drm/doc: Update plane documentation and add plane helper library drm: Allow userspace to ask for universal plane list (v2) drm: Remove unused drm_crtc->fb drm: Replace crtc fb with primary plane fb (v3) drm/msm: Switch to universal plane API's drm: Add drm_crtc_init_with_planes() (v2) drm: Add plane type property (v2) drm: Add drm_universal_plane_init() drm: Add primary plane helpers (v3) drm: Make drm_crtc_check_viewport non-static drm/shmobile: Restrict plane loops to only operate on legacy planes drm/i915: Restrict plane loops to only operate on overlay planes (v2) drm/exynos: Restrict plane loops to only operate on overlay planes (v2) drm: Add support for multiple plane types (v2)