Eric Biggers fa5fd3afc7 crypto: arm64/aes-blk - update IV after partial final CTR block
Make the arm64 ctr-aes-neon and ctr-aes-ce algorithms update the IV
buffer to contain the next counter after processing a partial final
block, rather than leave it as the last counter.  This makes these
algorithms pass the updated AES-CTR tests.

Signed-off-by: Eric Biggers <>
Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <>
2019-02-22 12:47:27 +08:00

534 lines
12 KiB

* linux/arch/arm64/crypto/aes-modes.S - chaining mode wrappers for AES
* Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Linaro Ltd <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
/* included by aes-ce.S and aes-neon.S */
.align 4
encrypt_block4x v0, v1, v2, v3, w3, x2, x8, w7
decrypt_block4x v0, v1, v2, v3, w3, x2, x8, w7
* aes_ecb_encrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks)
* aes_ecb_decrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks)
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
enc_prepare w3, x2, x5
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lecbenc1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 pt blocks */
bl aes_encrypt_block4x
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
b .LecbencloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lecbencout
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x1], #16 /* get next pt block */
encrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x5, w6
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
bne .Lecbencloop
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
dec_prepare w3, x2, x5
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lecbdec1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 ct blocks */
bl aes_decrypt_block4x
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
b .LecbdecloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lecbdecout
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x1], #16 /* get next ct block */
decrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x5, w6
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
bne .Lecbdecloop
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
* aes_cbc_encrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 iv[])
* aes_cbc_decrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 iv[])
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x5] /* get iv */
enc_prepare w3, x2, x6
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lcbcenc1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 pt blocks */
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b /* ..and xor with iv */
encrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
encrypt_block v1, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v1.16b
encrypt_block v2, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v2.16b
encrypt_block v3, w3, x2, x6, w7
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
mov v4.16b, v3.16b
b .Lcbcencloop4x
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lcbcencout
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x1], #16 /* get next pt block */
eor v4.16b, v4.16b, v0.16b /* ..and xor with iv */
encrypt_block v4, w3, x2, x6, w7
st1 {v4.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
bne .Lcbcencloop
st1 {v4.16b}, [x5] /* return iv */
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
ld1 {v7.16b}, [x5] /* get iv */
dec_prepare w3, x2, x6
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lcbcdec1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 ct blocks */
mov v4.16b, v0.16b
mov v5.16b, v1.16b
mov v6.16b, v2.16b
bl aes_decrypt_block4x
sub x1, x1, #16
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v7.16b
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v4.16b
ld1 {v7.16b}, [x1], #16 /* reload 1 ct block */
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v5.16b
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v6.16b
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
b .LcbcdecloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lcbcdecout
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x1], #16 /* get next ct block */
mov v0.16b, v1.16b /* ...and copy to v0 */
decrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v7.16b /* xor with iv => pt */
mov v7.16b, v1.16b /* ct is next iv */
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
bne .Lcbcdecloop
st1 {v7.16b}, [x5] /* return iv */
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
* aes_cbc_cts_encrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u32 const rk[],
* int rounds, int bytes, u8 const iv[])
* aes_cbc_cts_decrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u32 const rk[],
* int rounds, int bytes, u8 const iv[])
adr_l x8, .Lcts_permute_table
sub x4, x4, #16
add x9, x8, #32
add x8, x8, x4
sub x9, x9, x4
ld1 {v3.16b}, [x8]
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x9]
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x1], x4 /* overlapping loads */
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x1]
ld1 {v5.16b}, [x5] /* get iv */
enc_prepare w3, x2, x6
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v5.16b /* xor with iv */
tbl v1.16b, {v1.16b}, v4.16b
encrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v0.16b
tbl v0.16b, {v0.16b}, v3.16b
encrypt_block v1, w3, x2, x6, w7
add x4, x0, x4
st1 {v0.16b}, [x4] /* overlapping stores */
st1 {v1.16b}, [x0]
adr_l x8, .Lcts_permute_table
sub x4, x4, #16
add x9, x8, #32
add x8, x8, x4
sub x9, x9, x4
ld1 {v3.16b}, [x8]
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x9]
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x1], x4 /* overlapping loads */
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x1]
ld1 {v5.16b}, [x5] /* get iv */
dec_prepare w3, x2, x6
tbl v2.16b, {v1.16b}, v4.16b
decrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v0.16b
tbx v0.16b, {v1.16b}, v4.16b
tbl v2.16b, {v2.16b}, v3.16b
decrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x6, w7
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v5.16b /* xor with iv */
add x4, x0, x4
st1 {v2.16b}, [x4] /* overlapping stores */
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0]
.section ".rodata", "a"
.align 6
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7
.byte 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
.byte 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff
* aes_ctr_encrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 ctr[])
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
enc_prepare w3, x2, x6
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x5]
umov x6, v4.d[1] /* keep swabbed ctr in reg */
rev x6, x6
cmn w6, w4 /* 32 bit overflow? */
bcs .Lctrloop
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lctr1x
add w7, w6, #1
mov v0.16b, v4.16b
add w8, w6, #2
mov v1.16b, v4.16b
add w9, w6, #3
mov v2.16b, v4.16b
rev w7, w7
mov v3.16b, v4.16b
rev w8, w8
mov v1.s[3], w7
rev w9, w9
mov v2.s[3], w8
mov v3.s[3], w9
ld1 {v5.16b-v7.16b}, [x1], #48 /* get 3 input blocks */
bl aes_encrypt_block4x
eor v0.16b, v5.16b, v0.16b
ld1 {v5.16b}, [x1], #16 /* get 1 input block */
eor v1.16b, v6.16b, v1.16b
eor v2.16b, v7.16b, v2.16b
eor v3.16b, v5.16b, v3.16b
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
add x6, x6, #4
rev x7, x6
ins v4.d[1], x7
cbz w4, .Lctrout
b .LctrloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lctrout
mov v0.16b, v4.16b
encrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x8, w7
adds x6, x6, #1 /* increment BE ctr */
rev x7, x6
ins v4.d[1], x7
bcs .Lctrcarry /* overflow? */
subs w4, w4, #1
bmi .Lctrtailblock /* blocks <0 means tail block */
ld1 {v3.16b}, [x1], #16
eor v3.16b, v0.16b, v3.16b
st1 {v3.16b}, [x0], #16
bne .Lctrloop
st1 {v4.16b}, [x5] /* return next CTR value */
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0]
b .Lctrout
umov x7, v4.d[0] /* load upper word of ctr */
rev x7, x7 /* ... to handle the carry */
add x7, x7, #1
rev x7, x7
ins v4.d[0], x7
b .Lctrcarrydone
* aes_xts_decrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk1[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 const rk2[], u8 iv[], int first)
* aes_xts_decrypt(u8 out[], u8 const in[], u8 const rk1[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 const rk2[], u8 iv[], int first)
.macro next_tweak, out, in, tmp
sshr \tmp\().2d, \in\().2d, #63
and \tmp\().16b, \tmp\().16b, xtsmask.16b
add \out\().2d, \in\().2d, \in\().2d
ext \tmp\().16b, \tmp\().16b, \tmp\().16b, #8
eor \out\().16b, \out\().16b, \tmp\().16b
.macro xts_load_mask, tmp
movi xtsmask.2s, #0x1
movi \tmp\().2s, #0x87
uzp1 xtsmask.4s, xtsmask.4s, \tmp\().4s
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x6]
xts_load_mask v8
cbz w7, .Lxtsencnotfirst
enc_prepare w3, x5, x8
encrypt_block v4, w3, x5, x8, w7 /* first tweak */
enc_switch_key w3, x2, x8
b .LxtsencNx
enc_prepare w3, x2, x8
next_tweak v4, v4, v8
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lxtsenc1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 pt blocks */
next_tweak v5, v4, v8
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
next_tweak v6, v5, v8
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v5.16b
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v6.16b
next_tweak v7, v6, v8
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v7.16b
bl aes_encrypt_block4x
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v7.16b
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v5.16b
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v6.16b
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
mov v4.16b, v7.16b
cbz w4, .Lxtsencout
xts_reload_mask v8
b .LxtsencloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lxtsencout
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x1], #16
eor v0.16b, v1.16b, v4.16b
encrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x8, w7
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
beq .Lxtsencout
next_tweak v4, v4, v8
b .Lxtsencloop
st1 {v4.16b}, [x6]
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]!
mov x29, sp
ld1 {v4.16b}, [x6]
xts_load_mask v8
cbz w7, .Lxtsdecnotfirst
enc_prepare w3, x5, x8
encrypt_block v4, w3, x5, x8, w7 /* first tweak */
dec_prepare w3, x2, x8
b .LxtsdecNx
dec_prepare w3, x2, x8
next_tweak v4, v4, v8
subs w4, w4, #4
bmi .Lxtsdec1x
ld1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x1], #64 /* get 4 ct blocks */
next_tweak v5, v4, v8
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
next_tweak v6, v5, v8
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v5.16b
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v6.16b
next_tweak v7, v6, v8
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v7.16b
bl aes_decrypt_block4x
eor v3.16b, v3.16b, v7.16b
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
eor v1.16b, v1.16b, v5.16b
eor v2.16b, v2.16b, v6.16b
st1 {v0.16b-v3.16b}, [x0], #64
mov v4.16b, v7.16b
cbz w4, .Lxtsdecout
xts_reload_mask v8
b .LxtsdecloopNx
adds w4, w4, #4
beq .Lxtsdecout
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x1], #16
eor v0.16b, v1.16b, v4.16b
decrypt_block v0, w3, x2, x8, w7
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
st1 {v0.16b}, [x0], #16
subs w4, w4, #1
beq .Lxtsdecout
next_tweak v4, v4, v8
b .Lxtsdecloop
st1 {v4.16b}, [x6]
ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16
* aes_mac_update(u8 const in[], u32 const rk[], int rounds,
* int blocks, u8 dg[], int enc_before, int enc_after)
frame_push 6
mov x19, x0
mov x20, x1
mov x21, x2
mov x22, x3
mov x23, x4
mov x24, x6
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x23] /* get dg */
enc_prepare w2, x1, x7
cbz w5, .Lmacloop4x
encrypt_block v0, w2, x1, x7, w8
subs w22, w22, #4
bmi .Lmac1x
ld1 {v1.16b-v4.16b}, [x19], #64 /* get next pt block */
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b /* ..and xor with dg */
encrypt_block v0, w21, x20, x7, w8
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v2.16b
encrypt_block v0, w21, x20, x7, w8
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v3.16b
encrypt_block v0, w21, x20, x7, w8
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v4.16b
cmp w22, wzr
csinv x5, x24, xzr, eq
cbz w5, .Lmacout
encrypt_block v0, w21, x20, x7, w8
st1 {v0.16b}, [x23] /* return dg */
cond_yield_neon .Lmacrestart
b .Lmacloop4x
add w22, w22, #4
cbz w22, .Lmacout
ld1 {v1.16b}, [x19], #16 /* get next pt block */
eor v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b /* ..and xor with dg */
subs w22, w22, #1
csinv x5, x24, xzr, eq
cbz w5, .Lmacout
encrypt_block v0, w21, x20, x7, w8
b .Lmacloop
st1 {v0.16b}, [x23] /* return dg */
ld1 {v0.16b}, [x23] /* get dg */
enc_prepare w21, x20, x0
b .Lmacloop4x