Ido Schimmel 12ee822039 selftests: mlxsw: Add a test for FIB offload indication
Test that the offload indication for unicast routes is correctly set in
different scenarios. IPv4 support will be added in the future.

Signed-off-by: Ido Schimmel <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
2019-06-18 09:45:37 -07:00

350 lines
9.9 KiB
Executable File

# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Test unicast FIB offload indication.
lib_dir=$(dirname $0)/../../../net/forwarding
source $lib_dir/
source $lib_dir/
simple_if_init $tor1_p1 2001:db8:1::2/128 2001:db8:1::3/128
simple_if_fini $tor1_p1 2001:db8:1::2/128 2001:db8:1::3/128
simple_if_init $tor2_p1 2001:db8:2::2/128 2001:db8:2::3/128
simple_if_fini $tor2_p1 2001:db8:2::2/128 2001:db8:2::3/128
ip link set dev $spine_p1 up
ip link set dev $spine_p2 up
__addr_add_del $spine_p1 add 2001:db8:1::1/64
__addr_add_del $spine_p2 add 2001:db8:2::1/64
__addr_add_del $spine_p2 del 2001:db8:2::1/64
__addr_add_del $spine_p1 del 2001:db8:1::1/64
ip link set dev $spine_p2 down
ip link set dev $spine_p1 down
local pfx="$1"; shift
local expected_num=$1; shift
local num
# Try to avoid races with route offload
sleep .1
num=$(ip -6 route show match ${pfx} | grep "offload" | wc -l)
if [ $num -eq $expected_num ]; then
return 0
return 1
# Add a prefix route and check that it is offloaded.
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 100
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 100" 1
check_err $? "prefix route not offloaded"
# Append an identical prefix route with an higher metric and check that
# offload indication did not change.
ip -6 route append 2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 200
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 100" 1
check_err $? "lowest metric not offloaded after append"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 200" 0
check_err $? "highest metric offloaded when should not"
# Prepend an identical prefix route with lower metric and check that
# it is offloaded and the others are not.
ip -6 route append 2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 10
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 10" 1
check_err $? "lowest metric not offloaded after prepend"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 100" 0
check_err $? "mid metric offloaded when should not"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1 metric 200" 0
check_err $? "highest metric offloaded when should not"
# Delete the routes and add the same route with a different nexthop
# device. Check that it is offloaded.
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p1
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 dev $spine_p2" 1
log_test "IPv6 prefix route add"
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:3::/64
# Add a multipath route and check that it is offloaded.
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded when should"
# Append another nexthop and check that it is offloaded as well.
ip -6 route append 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::3 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 3
check_err $? "appended nexthop not offloaded when should"
# Mimic route replace by removing the route and adding it back with
# only two nexthops.
ip -6 route del 2001:db8:3::/64
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after delete & add"
# Append a nexthop with an higher metric and check that the offload
# indication did not change.
ip -6 route append 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 200 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::3 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "lowest metric not offloaded after append"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 200" 0
check_err $? "highest metric offloaded when should not"
# Prepend a nexthop with a lower metric and check that it is offloaded
# and the others are not.
ip -6 route append 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 10 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::3 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 10" 1
check_err $? "lowest metric not offloaded after prepend"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 0
check_err $? "mid metric offloaded when should not"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 200" 0
check_err $? "highest metric offloaded when should not"
log_test "IPv6 multipath route add"
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:3::/64
# Replace prefix route with prefix route.
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 1
check_err $? "prefix route not offloaded when should"
ip -6 route replace 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 1
check_err $? "prefix route not offloaded after replace"
# Replace prefix route with multipath route.
ip -6 route replace 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after replace"
# Replace multipath route with prefix route. A prefix route cannot
# replace a multipath route, so it is appended.
ip -6 route replace 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 dev $spine_p1" 0
check_err $? "prefix route offloaded after 'replacing' multipath route"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after being 'replaced' by prefix route"
# Replace multipath route with multipath route.
ip -6 route replace 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::3 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::3 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after replacing multipath route"
# Replace a non-existing multipath route with a multipath route and
# check that it is appended and not offloaded.
ip -6 route replace 2001:db8:3::/64 metric 200 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::3 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::3 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 100" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after non-existing route was 'replaced'"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64 metric 200" 0
check_err $? "multipath route offloaded after 'replacing' non-existing route"
log_test "IPv6 route replace"
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:3::/64
# The driver consolidates identical nexthop groups in order to reduce
# the resource usage in its adjacency table. Check that the deletion
# of one multipath route using the group does not affect the other.
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:4::/64 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded when should"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:4::/64" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded when should"
ip -6 route del 2001:db8:3::/64
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:4::/64" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after deletion of route sharing the nexthop group"
# Check that after unsharing a nexthop group the routes are still
# marked as offloaded.
ip -6 route add 2001:db8:3::/64 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:2::2 dev $spine_p2
ip -6 route del 2001:db8:4::/64 \
nexthop via 2001:db8:1::2 dev $spine_p1
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:4::/64" 1
check_err $? "singlepath route not offloaded after unsharing the nexthop group"
ipv6_offload_check "2001:db8:3::/64" 2
check_err $? "multipath route not offloaded after unsharing the nexthop group"
log_test "IPv6 nexthop group sharing"
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:3::/64
ip -6 route flush 2001:db8:4::/64
local batch_dir=$(mktemp -d)
local num_rts=$((40 * 1024))
local num_nhs=16
local total
local start
local diff
local end
local nhs
local i
# Prepare 40K /64 multipath routes with 16 nexthops each and check how
# long it takes to add them. A limit of 60 seconds is set. It is much
# higher than insertion should take and meant to flag a serious
# regression.
total=$((nums_nhs * num_rts))
for i in $(seq 1 $num_nhs); do
ip -6 address add 2001:db8:1::10:$i/128 dev $tor1_p1
nexthops+=" nexthop via 2001:db8:1::10:$i dev $spine_p1"
for i in $(seq 1 $num_rts); do
echo "route add 2001:db8:8:$(printf "%x" $i)::/64$nexthops" \
>> $batch_dir/add.batch
echo "route del 2001:db8:8:$(printf "%x" $i)::/64$nexthops" \
>> $batch_dir/del.batch
start=$(date +%s.%N)
ip -batch $batch_dir/add.batch
count=$(ip -6 route show | grep offload | wc -l)
while [ $count -lt $total ]; do
sleep .01
count=$(ip -6 route show | grep offload | wc -l)
end=$(date +%s.%N)
diff=$(echo "$end - $start" | bc -l)
test "$(echo "$diff > 60" | bc -l)" -eq 0
check_err $? "route insertion took too long"
log_info "inserted $num_rts routes in $diff seconds"
log_test "IPv6 routes insertion rate"
ip -batch $batch_dir/del.batch
for i in $(seq 1 $num_nhs); do
ip -6 address del 2001:db8:1::10:$i/128 dev $tor1_p1
rm -rf $batch_dir
trap cleanup EXIT