The early command line parsing treats "kvm-arm.mode=protected" as an alias for "id_aa64mmfr1.vh=0", forcing the use of nVHE so that the host kernel runs at EL1 with the pKVM hypervisor at EL2. With the introduction of hVHE support in ad744e8cb346 ("arm64: Allow arm64_sw.hvhe on command line"), the hypervisor can run using the EL2+0 translation regime. This is interesting for unusual CPUs that have VH stuck to 1, but also because it opens the possibility of a hypervisor "userspace" in the distant future which could be used to isolate vCPU contexts in the hypervisor (see Marc's talk from KVM Forum 2022 [1]). Repaint the "kvm-arm.mode=protected" alias to map to "arm64_sw.hvhe=1", which will use hVHE on CPUs that support it and remain with nVHE otherwise. [1] Signed-off-by: Will Deacon <> Acked-by: Oliver Upton <> Link: Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <>