David Kershner 54bf4d454e staging: unisys: channel.h Fix spacing around operands.
Clean up the seven checks reported by checkpatch.pl --strict.

CHECK: spaces preferred around that '<<' (ctx:VxV)
+#define SIGNATURE_16(A, B) ((A) | (B<<8))
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '+' (ctx:VxV)
+#define COVERQ(v, d)  (((v)+(d)-1) / (d))
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '-' (ctx:VxV)
+#define COVERQ(v, d)  (((v)+(d)-1) / (d))
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '*' (ctx:VxV)
+#define COVER(v, d)   ((d)*COVERQ(v, d))
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '-' (ctx:VxE)
+               chan->QHDRFLD.sig_base_offset = (u64)(chan->QDATAFLD)-  \
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '/' (ctx:VxV)
+                       sizeof(chan->QDATAFLD)/sizeof(QDATATYPE);       \
CHECK: spaces preferred around that '-' (ctx:VxV)
+               chan->QHDRFLD.max_signals = chan->QHDRFLD.max_slots-1;  \

Signed-off-by: David Kershner <david.kershner@unisys.com>
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Romer <benjamin.romer@unisys.com>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@linuxfoundation.org>
2015-10-12 20:51:19 -07:00