European Union has made it mandatory that all devices working in 2.4 GHz has to adhere to the ETSI specification (ETSI EN 300 328 V1.9.1) beginnig this year. The standard basically speaks about interferences in 2.4Ghz band. For example, when 802.11 device detects interference, TX must be stopped as long as interference is present. Adaptive CCA is a feature, when enabled the device learns from the environment and configures CCA levels adaptively. This will improve detecting interferences and the device can stop trasmissions till the interference is present eventually leading to good performances in varying interference conditions. The patch includes code for enabling adaptive CCA for 10.2.4 firmware on QCA988X. Signed-off-by: Maharaja <c_mkenna@qti.qualcomm.com> Signed-off-by: Manikanta Pubbisetty <c_mpubbi@qti.qualcomm.com> Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <kvalo@qca.qualcomm.com>