Merge in a few pending fixes from pre-5.1 that didn't get sent in: MAINTAINERS: update arch/arm/mach-davinci ARM: dts: ls1021: Fix SGMII PCS link remaining down after PHY disconnect ARM: dts: imx6q-logicpd: Reduce inrush current on USBH1 ARM: dts: imx6q-logicpd: Reduce inrush current on start ARM: dts: imx: Fix the AR803X phy-mode ARM: dts: sun8i: a33: Reintroduce default pinctrl muxing arm64: dts: allwinner: a64: Rename hpvcc-supply to cpvdd-supply ARM: sunxi: fix a leaked reference by adding missing of_node_put ARM: sunxi: fix a leaked reference by adding missing of_node_put Signed-off-by: Olof Johansson <>