timer_read() was using an empty 100-iteration loop to wait for the TMR_CVWR register to capture the latest timer counter value. The delay wasn't long enough. This resulted in CPU idle time being extremely underreported on PXA168 with CONFIG_NO_HZ_IDLE=y. Switch to the approach used in the vendor kernel, which implements the capture delay by reading TMR_CVWR a few times instead. Fixes: 49cbe78637eb ("[ARM] pxa: add base support for Marvell's PXA168 processor line") Signed-off-by: Doug Brown <doug@schmorgal.com> Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20221204005117.53452-3-doug@schmorgal.com Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@arndb.de>