Files suffixed by .lex.c, .tab.[ch] are generated lexers, parsers, respectively. Clean them up globally from the top Makefile. Some of the final host programs those lexer/parser are linked into are necessary for building external modules, but the intermediates are unneeded. They can be cleaned away by 'make clean' instead of 'make mrproper'. Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <> Acked-by: Frank Rowand <>
14 lines
359 B
14 lines
359 B
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
hostprogs-y := genksyms
always := $(hostprogs-y)
genksyms-objs := genksyms.o lex.lex.o
# -I needed for generated C source (shipped source)
| := -I$(src)
HOSTCFLAGS_lex.lex.o := -I$(src)
# dependencies on generated files need to be listed explicitly
$(obj)/lex.lex.o: $(obj)/