commit 877417e6ffb9578e8580abf76a71e15732473456 upstream. CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE disables the often useful -Wmaybe-unused warning, because that causes a ridiculous amount of false positives when combined with -Os. This means a lot of warnings don't show up in testing by the developers that should see them with an 'allmodconfig' kernel that has CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE enabled, but only later in randconfig builds that don't. This changes the Kconfig logic around CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_SIZE to make it a 'choice' statement defaulting to CC_OPTIMIZE_FOR_PERFORMANCE that gets added for this purpose. The allmodconfig and allyesconfig kernels now default to -O2 with the maybe-unused warning enabled. Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <> Signed-off-by: Michal Marek <> Cc: Nathan Chancellor <> Cc: Guenter Roeck <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>