The -Woverride-init warn about code that may be intentional or not, but the inintentional ones tend to be real bugs, so there is a bit of disagreement on whether this warning option should be enabled by default and we have multiple settings in scripts/Makefile.extrawarn as well as individual subsystems. Older versions of clang only supported -Wno-initializer-overrides with the same meaning as gcc's -Woverride-init, though all supported versions now work with both. Because of this difference, an earlier cleanup of mine accidentally turned the clang warning off for W=1 builds and only left it on for W=2, while it's still enabled for gcc with W=1. There is also one driver that only turns the warning off for newer versions of gcc but not other compilers, and some but not all the Makefiles still use a cc-disable-warning conditional that is no longer needed with supported compilers here. Address all of the above by removing the special cases for clang and always turning the warning off unconditionally where it got in the way, using the syntax that is supported by both compilers. Fixes: 2cd3271b7a31 ("kbuild: avoid duplicate warning options") Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <> Acked-by: Hamza Mahfooz <> Acked-by: Jani Nikula <> Acked-by: Andrew Jeffery <> Signed-off-by: Jani Nikula <> Reviewed-by: Linus Walleij <> Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <>
37 lines
894 B
37 lines
894 B
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Makefile for the Linux proc filesystem routines.
obj-y += proc.o
CFLAGS_task_mmu.o += -Wno-override-init
proc-y := nommu.o task_nommu.o
proc-$(CONFIG_MMU) := task_mmu.o
proc-y += inode.o root.o base.o generic.o array.o \
proc-$(CONFIG_TTY) += proc_tty.o
proc-y += cmdline.o
proc-y += consoles.o
proc-y += cpuinfo.o
proc-y += devices.o
proc-y += interrupts.o
proc-y += loadavg.o
proc-y += meminfo.o
proc-y += stat.o
proc-y += uptime.o
proc-y += util.o
proc-y += version.o
proc-y += softirqs.o
proc-y += namespaces.o
proc-y += self.o
proc-y += thread_self.o
proc-$(CONFIG_PROC_SYSCTL) += proc_sysctl.o
proc-$(CONFIG_NET) += proc_net.o
proc-$(CONFIG_PROC_KCORE) += kcore.o
proc-$(CONFIG_PROC_VMCORE) += vmcore.o
proc-$(CONFIG_PRINTK) += kmsg.o
proc-$(CONFIG_PROC_PAGE_MONITOR) += page.o
proc-$(CONFIG_BOOT_CONFIG) += bootconfig.o