The modpost, with the -d option given, generates per-module .ns_deps files. Kbuild generates per-module .mod files to carry module information. This is convenient because Make handles multiple jobs in parallel when the -j option is given. On the other hand, the modpost always runs as a single thread. I do not see a strong reason to produce separate .ns_deps files. This commit changes the modpost to generate just one file, modules.nsdeps, each line of which has the following format: <module_name>: <list of missing namespaces> Please note it contains *missing* namespaces instead of required ones. So, modules.nsdeps is empty if the namespace dependency is all good. This will work more efficiently because spatch will no longer process already imported namespaces. I removed the '(if needed)' from the nsdeps log since spatch is invoked only when needed. This also solves the stale .ns_deps problem reported by Jessica Yu: Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <> Tested-by: Jessica Yu <> Acked-by: Jessica Yu <> Reviewed-by: Matthias Maennich <> Tested-by: Matthias Maennich <>