To have an idea of the effects of the protocol coalescing it's useful to have some counters showing the different aspects. Due to the asymmetrical usbnet interface the netdev rx_bytes counter has been counting real received payload, while the tx_bytes counter has included the NCM/MBIM framing overhead. This overhead can be many times the payload because of the aggressive padding strategy of this driver, and will vary a lot depending on device and traffic. With very few exceptions, users are only interested in the payload size. Having an somewhat accurate payload byte counter is particularly important for mobile broadband devices, which many NCM devices and of course all MBIM devices are. Users and userspace applications will use this counter to monitor account quotas. Having protocol specific counters for the overhead, we are now able to correct the tx_bytes netdev counter so that it shows the real payload Signed-off-by: Bjørn Mork <> Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>