When calculating the clock divider, start dividing at 2 instead of 1. The divider is divided by two at the end of the calculation, so starting at 1 may result in a divider of 0, which shouldn't happen. Signed-off-by: Eddie James <eajames@linux.ibm.com> Reviewed-by: Andrew Jeffery <andrew@aj.id.au> Acked-by: Joel Stanley <joel@jms.id.au> Acked-by: Adrian Hunter <adrian.hunter@intel.com> Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20200709195706.12741-3-eajames@linux.ibm.com Cc: stable@vger.kernel.org # v5.4+ Signed-off-by: Ulf Hansson <ulf.hansson@linaro.org>