The separation between algorithm and adapter was unsharp at places. This was partly hidden by the fact, that the ISA-driver allowed just one instance and had all private data in static variables. This patch makes neccessary preparations to add a platform driver on top of the algorithm, while still supporting ISA. Note: Due to lack of hardware, the ISA-driver could not be tested except that it builds. Concerning the core struct i2c_algo_pca_data: - A private data field was added, all hardware dependant data may go here. Similar to other algorithms, now a pointer to this data is passed to the adapter's functions. In order to make as less changes as possible to the ISA-driver, it leaves the private data empty and still only uses its static variables. - A "reset_chip" function pointer was added; such a functionality must come from the adapter, not the algorithm. - use a variable "i2c_clock" instead of a function pointer "get_clock", allowing for write access to a default in case a wrong value was supplied. In the algorithm-file: - move "i2c-pca-algo.h" into "linux/i2c-algo-pca.h" - now using per_instance timeout values (i2c_adap->timeout) - error messages specify the device, not only the driver name - restructure initialization to easily support "i2c_add_numbered_adapter" - drop "retries" and "own" (i2c address) as they were unused (The state-machine for I2C-communication was not touched.) In the ISA-driver: - adapt to new algorithm Signed-off-by: Wolfram Sang <w.sang@pengutronix.de> Signed-off-by: Jean Delvare <khali@linux-fr.org>