Newer binutils (>= 2.36) refuse to assemble lmw/stmw when building in little endian mode. That breaks compilation of our alignment handler test: /tmp/cco4l14N.s: Assembler messages: /tmp/cco4l14N.s:1440: Error: `lmw' invalid when little-endian /tmp/cco4l14N.s:1814: Error: `stmw' invalid when little-endian make[2]: *** [../../ /output/kselftest/powerpc/alignment/alignment_handler] Error 1 These tests do pass on little endian machines, as the kernel will still emulate those instructions even when running little endian (which is arguably a kernel bug). But we don't really need to test that case, so ifdef those instructions out to get the alignment test building again. Reported-by: Libor Pechacek <> Signed-off-by: Michael Ellerman <> Tested-by: Libor Pechacek <> Link: