When a battery's status changes from charging to full then the charging-blink-full-solid trigger tries to change the LED from blinking to solid/on. As is documented in include/linux/leds.h to deactivate blinking / to make the LED solid a LED_OFF must be send: """ * Deactivate blinking again when the brightness is set to LED_OFF * via the brightness_set() callback. """ led_set_brighness() calls with a brightness value other then 0 / LED_OFF merely change the brightness of the LED in its on state while it is blinking. So power_supply_update_bat_leds() must first send a LED_OFF event before the LED_FULL to disable blinking. Fixes: 6501f728c56f ("power_supply: Add new LED trigger charging-blink-solid-full") Signed-off-by: Hans de Goede <hdegoede@redhat.com> Reviewed-by: Vasily Khoruzhick <anarsoul@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Sebastian Reichel <sebastian.reichel@collabora.com>