Claudio Takahasi
Bluetooth: Fix SCO connection reference
This patch fixes decrementing SCO connection reference right after
stablishing the SCO connection with defer setup enabled. The dump below
shows a disconnection command with handle 0, the connection is still in
BT_CONNECT2 state and there isn't a handle associated with it.
< HCI Command: Accept Synchronous Connection (0x01|0x0029) plen 21
bdaddr 78:47:1D:B3:72:6C
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4
Accept Synchronous Connection (0x01|0x0029) status 0x00 ncmd 1
< HCI Command: Disconnect (0x01|0x0006) plen 3
handle 0 reason 0x13
Reason: Remote User Terminated Connection
> HCI Event: Command Status (0x0f) plen 4
Disconnect (0x01|0x0006) status 0x00 ncmd 1
> HCI Event: Synchronous Connect Complete (0x2c) plen 17
status 0x00 handle 46 bdaddr 78:47:1D:B3:72:6C
type eSCO
Air mode: CVSD
< SCO data: handle 46 flags 0x00 dlen 48
Signed-off-by: Claudio Takahasi <>
Signed-off-by: Vinicius Costa Gomes <>
Signed-off-by: Gustavo Padovan <>
2013-04-11 16:34:16 -03:00
2013-03-08 10:38:44 -03:00
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2013-01-09 17:05:05 -02:00
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2013-04-04 19:28:25 +03:00
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2013-03-08 10:40:26 -03:00
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2012-10-24 00:42:47 -02:00
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2013-04-05 23:44:14 -03:00
2012-09-27 18:10:43 -03:00
2012-09-27 17:10:32 -03:00
2013-04-11 16:34:15 -03:00
2013-04-11 16:34:15 -03:00
2013-04-11 16:34:15 -03:00