KVM has helpers to handle the condition codes of trapped aarch32 instructions. These are marked __hyp_text and used from HYP, but they aren't built by the 'hyp' Makefile, which has all the runes to avoid ASAN and KCOV instrumentation. Move this code to a new hyp/aarch32.c to avoid a hyp-panic when starting an aarch32 guest on a host built with the ASAN/KCOV debug options. Fixes: 021234ef3752f ("KVM: arm64: Make kvm_condition_valid32() accessible from EL2") Fixes: 8cebe750c4d9a ("arm64: KVM: Make kvm_skip_instr32 available to HYP") Signed-off-by: James Morse <james.morse@arm.com> Signed-off-by: Marc Zyngier <marc.zyngier@arm.com>