The AD5625/AD5645/AD5665 are a family of 4 channel DACs with 12-bit, 14-bit and 16-bit precision respectively. The devices come in 3 flavors in terms of built-in reference, either no built-in reference, built-in 1.25V reference or built-in 2.5V reference. The AD5627/AD5647/AD5667 are similar to the AD5625/AD5645/AD5665 except that they have 2 instead of 4 channels. While these new devices are mostly register map compatible with the existing devices support by the driver some offsets and register addresses have been shuffled around. To accommodate this introduce a new register map layout. For the lack of a better name we will just call it version 2. Datasheets: http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD5625R_5645R_5665R_5625_5665.pdf http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/AD5627R_5647R_5667R_5627_5667.pdf Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <lars@metafoo.de> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Cameron <jic23@kernel.org>