[ Upstream commit 1c4a7587d1bbee0fd53b63af60e4244a62775f57 ] The section mismatch check prints a bogus symbol name on some architectures. [test code] #include <linux/init.h> int __initdata foo; int get_foo(void) { return foo; } If you compile it with GCC for riscv or loongarch, modpost will show an incorrect symbol name: WARNING: modpost: vmlinux: section mismatch in reference: get_foo+0x8 (section: .text) -> done (section: .init.data) To get the correct symbol address, the st_value must be added. This issue has never been noticed since commit 93684d3b8062 ("kbuild: include symbol names in section mismatch warnings") presumably because st_value becomes zero on most architectures when the referenced symbol is looked up. It is not true for riscv or loongarch, at least. With this fix, modpost will show the correct symbol name: WARNING: modpost: vmlinux: section mismatch in reference: get_foo+0x8 (section: .text) -> foo (section: .init.data) Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <masahiroy@kernel.org> Reviewed-by: Nick Desaulniers <ndesaulniers@google.com> Signed-off-by: Sasha Levin <sashal@kernel.org>