commit 0ee695a471a750cad4fff22286d91e038b1ef62f upstream. Certain assembler instruction tests may only induce warnings from the assembler on an unsupported instruction or option, which causes as-instr to succeed when it was expected to fail. Some tests workaround this limitation by additionally testing that invalid input fails as expected. However, this is fragile if the assembler is changed to accept the invalid input, as it will cause the instruction/option to be unavailable like it was unsupported even when it is. Use '-Wa,--fatal-warnings' in the as-instr macro to turn these warnings into hard errors, which avoids this fragility and makes tests more robust and well formed. Cc: Suggested-by: Eric Biggers <> Signed-off-by: Nathan Chancellor <> Tested-by: Eric Biggers <> Tested-by: Andy Chiu <> Reviewed-by: Andy Chiu <> Tested-by: Conor Dooley <> Reviewed-by: Conor Dooley <> Acked-by: Masahiro Yamada <> Link: Signed-off-by: Palmer Dabbelt <> Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
66 lines
2.6 KiB
66 lines
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# Kconfig helper macros
# Convenient variables
comma := ,
quote := "
squote := '
empty :=
space := $(empty) $(empty)
dollar := $
right_paren := )
left_paren := (
# $(if-success,<command>,<then>,<else>)
# Return <then> if <command> exits with 0, <else> otherwise.
if-success = $(shell,{ $(1); } >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$(2)" || echo "$(3)")
# $(success,<command>)
# Return y if <command> exits with 0, n otherwise
success = $(if-success,$(1),y,n)
# $(failure,<command>)
# Return n if <command> exits with 0, y otherwise
failure = $(if-success,$(1),n,y)
# $(cc-option,<flag>)
# Return y if the compiler supports <flag>, n otherwise
cc-option = $(success,trap "rm -rf .tmp_$$" EXIT; mkdir .tmp_$$; $(CC) -Werror $(CLANG_FLAGS) $(1) -c -x c /dev/null -o .tmp_$$/tmp.o)
# $(ld-option,<flag>)
# Return y if the linker supports <flag>, n otherwise
ld-option = $(success,$(LD) -v $(1))
# $(as-instr,<instr>)
# Return y if the assembler supports <instr>, n otherwise
as-instr = $(success,printf "%b\n" "$(1)" | $(CC) $(CLANG_FLAGS) -Wa$(comma)--fatal-warnings -c -x assembler-with-cpp -o /dev/null -)
# check if $(CC) and $(LD) exist
$(error-if,$(failure,command -v $(CC)),C compiler '$(CC)' not found)
$(error-if,$(failure,command -v $(LD)),linker '$(LD)' not found)
# Get the C compiler name, version, and error out if it is not supported.
cc-info := $(shell,$(srctree)/scripts/ $(CC))
$(error-if,$(success,test -z "$(cc-info)"),Sorry$(comma) this C compiler is not supported.)
cc-name := $(shell,set -- $(cc-info) && echo $1)
cc-version := $(shell,set -- $(cc-info) && echo $2)
# Get the assembler name, version, and error out if it is not supported.
as-info := $(shell,$(srctree)/scripts/ $(CC) $(CLANG_FLAGS))
$(error-if,$(success,test -z "$(as-info)"),Sorry$(comma) this assembler is not supported.)
as-name := $(shell,set -- $(as-info) && echo $1)
as-version := $(shell,set -- $(as-info) && echo $2)
# Get the linker name, version, and error out if it is not supported.
ld-info := $(shell,$(srctree)/scripts/ $(LD))
$(error-if,$(success,test -z "$(ld-info)"),Sorry$(comma) this linker is not supported.)
ld-name := $(shell,set -- $(ld-info) && echo $1)
ld-version := $(shell,set -- $(ld-info) && echo $2)
# machine bit flags
# $(m32-flag): -m32 if the compiler supports it, or an empty string otherwise.
# $(m64-flag): -m64 if the compiler supports it, or an empty string otherwise.
cc-option-bit = $(if-success,$(CC) -Werror $(1) -E -x c /dev/null -o /dev/null,$(1))
m32-flag := $(cc-option-bit,-m32)
m64-flag := $(cc-option-bit,-m64)