Python code copyed from port-compare commit 153130a18f2ce80d8f9646ab94b0f9eeb0e994de with minor modifications. Runner script added
102 lines
3.1 KiB
102 lines
3.1 KiB
import cffi
_CDEF = """
parseEVR(const char* evr,
const char **e, const char **v, const char **r);
rpmEVRcmp(const char * const aE, const char * const aV, const char * const aR,
const char * const aDepend,
const char * const bE, const char * const bV, const char * const bR,
const char * const bDepend);
int rpmRangesOverlap(const char * AName, const char * AEVR, int AFlags,
const char * BName, const char * BEVR, int BFlags);
_FFI = cffi.FFI()
_LIBRPM = _FFI.dlopen('')
_EMPTY ='char[]', b'')
def _pp_str(p_str):
"""Convert FFI's char** to Python string.
Assumes that pointer points to a zero-terminated C-string.
Returns None if the pointer is NULL.
if p_str and p_str[0]:
return _FFI.string(p_str[0])
return None
def parse_evr(evr):
"""Returns 3-tuple (epoch, version, release)"""
p_evr ='char[]', evr)
e ='char**')
v ='char**')
r ='char**')
_LIBRPM.parseEVR(p_evr, e, v, r)
epoch = _pp_str(e)
epoch = int(epoch) if epoch else None
return epoch, _pp_str(v), _pp_str(r)
def ranges_overlap(aname, aevr, aflags, bname, bevr, bflags):
return _LIBRPM.rpmRangesOverlap(
|'char[]', aname),'char[]', aevr), aflags,
|'char[]', bname),'char[]', bevr), bflags)
def _to_pchar(part):
if not part:
return _FFI.NULL
if not isinstance(part, bytes):
part = part.encode()
return'char[]', part) if part else _FFI.NULL
def evr_cmp(evr1, evr2):
# Each EVR is 3-tuple 'epoch, version, release'.
# If epoch is None we replace it with '0'.
return _LIBRPM.rpmEVRcmp(
_to_pchar(str(evr1[0]).encode() if evr1[0] else b'0'),
_to_pchar(evr1[1]), _to_pchar(evr1[2]), _EMPTY,
_to_pchar(str(evr2[0]).encode() if evr2[0] else b'0'),
_to_pchar(evr2[1]), _to_pchar(evr2[2]), _EMPTY)
def ver_cmp(ver1, ver2):
return evr_cmp((None, ver1, b'1'), (None, ver2, b'1'))
def _tests():
assert parse_evr(b'3:42.8.4-alt1.mips0') == (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1.mips0')
assert parse_evr(b'0:42.8.4-alt1.mips0') == (0, b'42.8.4', b'alt1.mips0')
assert parse_evr(b'42.8.4-alt1.mips0') == (None, b'42.8.4', b'alt1.mips0')
assert parse_evr(b'1.20.0-alt1_1') == (None, b'1.20.0', b'alt1_1')
assert parse_evr(b'1:1.20.1-alt1') == (1, b'1.20.1', b'alt1')
assert evr_cmp((3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1'), (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt2')) < 0
assert evr_cmp((3, b'42.9.4', b'alt1'), (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt2')) > 0
assert evr_cmp((3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1'), (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1')) == 0
assert evr_cmp((5, b'42.8.4', b'alt1'), (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1')) > 0
assert evr_cmp((3, b'42.9.4', b'alt1'), (5, b'42.8.4', b'alt1')) < 0
# unicode test
assert evr_cmp((3, u'42.8.4', u'alt1'), (3, b'42.8.4', b'alt1')) == 0
assert evr_cmp((1, b'1.2.0', b'alt1'), (None, b'1.2.0', b'alt1_1')) > 0
assert evr_cmp((None, b'1.2.0', b'alt1_1'), (1, b'1.2.0', b'alt1')) < 0
if __name__ == '__main__':