mirror of https://github.com/KDE/latte-dock.git synced 2025-03-27 14:50:21 +03:00

IMPORTANT: Update multi-screen codepage!!!

--after v0.8 release many issues with multi-architecture
were identified. An alternative approach was needed
in order for Latte to get a more user-predictable state.
In new approach:
--onPrimary docks have always higher value
and should be shown, this is also like how plasma is
moving its panels.
--explicit docks are removed if their edge in their screen
is occupied by an onPrimary dock
--be stupid smart in order to check if docks contain
tasks and try to not remove them based on screen-changes
is removed! Over-Complicated code that doesnt help
in maintainability...

one of the issues was reported at following bug report...

BUG: 396806
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
This commit is contained in:
Michail Vourlakos 2018-07-24 22:25:19 +03:00
parent 0bee41c9a7
commit 620680e5d3
6 changed files with 258 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -283,6 +283,10 @@ void DockView::initSignalingForLocationChangeSliding()
emit showDockAfterLocationChangeFinished();
if (m_managedLayout) {
@ -299,6 +303,10 @@ void DockView::initSignalingForLocationChangeSliding()
emit showDockAfterScreenChangeFinished();
if (m_managedLayout) {
@ -1434,7 +1442,7 @@ void DockView::setManagedLayout(Layout *layout)
//! Sometimes the activity isnt completely ready, by adding a delay
//! we try to catch up
QTimer::singleShot(100, [this]() {
if (m_managedLayout) {
if (m_managedLayout && m_visibility) {
qDebug() << "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT ::: " << m_managedLayout->name() << " - activities: " << m_managedLayout->appliedActivities();
emit activitiesChanged();
@ -1446,7 +1454,7 @@ void DockView::setManagedLayout(Layout *layout)
if (dockCorona->layoutManager()->memoryUsage() == Dock::MultipleLayouts) {
connectionsManagedLayout[0] = connect(dockCorona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::runningActivitiesChanged, this, [&]() {
if (m_managedLayout) {
if (m_managedLayout && m_visibility) {
qDebug() << "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT (runningActivitiesChanged) ::: " << m_managedLayout->name()
<< " - activities: " << m_managedLayout->appliedActivities();

View File

@ -887,17 +887,49 @@ void Layout::addDock(Plasma::Containment *containment, bool forceLoading, int ex
if (!found) {
qDebug() << "adding dock rejected, screen not available ! : " << connector;
qDebug() << "reject : adding explicit dock, screen not available ! : " << connector;
} else if (onPrimary) {
if (primaryDockOccupyEdge(containment->location())) {
qDebug() << "reject : adding explicit dock, primary dock occupies edge at screen ! : " << connector;
if (id >= 0 && onPrimary) {
QString connector = m_corona->screenPool()->connector(id);
qDebug() << "add dock - connector : " << connector;
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
auto testContainment = view->containment();
int testScreenId = testContainment->screen();
if (testScreenId == -1) {
testScreenId = testContainment->lastScreen();
bool testOnPrimary = testContainment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location testLocation = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)testContainment->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));
if (!testOnPrimary && m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId() == testScreenId && testLocation == containment->location()) {
qDebug() << "Rejected explicit dockView and removing it in order add an onPrimary with higher priority at screen: " << connector;
auto viewToDelete = m_dockViews.take(testContainment);
/* old behavior to not add primary docks on explicit one
else if (onPrimary) {
if (explicitDockOccupyEdge(m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId(), containment->location())) {
qDebug() << "CORONA ::: adding dock rejected, the edge is occupied by explicit dock ! : " << containment->location();
//we must check that an onPrimary dock should never catch up the same edge on
//the same screen with an explicit dock
qDebug() << "Adding dock for container...";
qDebug() << "onPrimary: " << onPrimary << "screen!!! :" << nextScreen->name();
@ -1432,116 +1464,198 @@ void Layout::syncDockViewsToScreens()
qDebug() << "start of, syncDockViewsToScreens ....";
qDebug() << "LAYOUT ::: " << name();
qDebug() << "screen count changed -+-+ " << qGuiApp->screens().size();
qDebug() << "adding consideration....";
qDebug() << "dock view running : " << m_dockViews.count();
QHash<QString, QList<Plasma::Types::Location>> futureDocksLocations;
QList<uint> futureShownViews;
QString prmScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
qDebug() << "Found screen: " << scr->name();
//! first step: primary docks must be placed in primary screen free edges
foreach (auto containment, m_containments) {
int screenId = containment->screen();
foreach (auto cont, m_containments) {
int id = cont->screen();
if (screenId == -1) {
screenId = containment->lastScreen();
if (id == -1) {
id = cont->lastScreen();
bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location location = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)containment->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));
bool onPrimary = cont->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location location = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)cont->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));
if (onPrimary && !futureDocksLocations[prmScreenName].contains(location)) {
//! two main situations that a dock must be added when it is not already running
//! 1. when a dock is primary, not running and the edge for which is associated is free
//! 2. when a dock in explicit, not running and the associated screen currently exists
//! e.g. the screen has just been added
if (((onPrimary && freeEdges(qGuiApp->primaryScreen()).contains(location)) || (!onPrimary && (m_corona->screenPool()->connector(id) == scr->name())))
&& (!m_dockViews.contains(cont))) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: view must be added... for:" << scr->name();
//! second step: explicit docks must be placed in their screens if the screen edge is free
foreach (auto containment, m_containments) {
int screenId = containment->screen();
if (screenId == -1) {
screenId = containment->lastScreen();
bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location location = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)containment->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));
if (!onPrimary) {
QString expScreenName = m_corona->screenPool()->connector(screenId);
if (m_corona->screenPool()->screenExists(screenId) && !futureDocksLocations[expScreenName].contains(location)) {
qDebug() << "removing consideration & updating screen for always on primary docks....";
qDebug() << "PRIMARY SCREEN :: " << prmScreenName;
qDebug() << "DOCKVIEWS MUST BE PRESENT AT :: " << futureDocksLocations;
//! this code tries to find a containment that must not be deleted by
//! automatic algorithm. Currently the containment with the minimum id
//! containing tasks plasmoid wins
int preserveContainmentId{ -1};
bool dockWithTasksWillBeShown{false};
//! add views
foreach (auto containment, m_containments) {
int screenId = containment->screen();
//! associate correct values for preserveContainmentId and
//! dockWithTasksWillBeShown
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
bool found{false};
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
if (scr->name() == view->currentScreen()
|| (view->onPrimary() && scr == qGuiApp->primaryScreen())) {
found = true;
if (screenId == -1) {
screenId = containment->lastScreen();
//!check if a tasks dock will be shown (try to prevent its deletion)
if (found && view->tasksPresent()) {
dockWithTasksWillBeShown = true;
if (!found && !view->onPrimary() && (m_dockViews.size() > 1) && m_dockViews.contains(view->containment())
&& !(view->tasksPresent() && noDocksWithTasks() == 1)) { //do not delete last dock containing tasks
if (view->tasksPresent()) {
if (preserveContainmentId == -1)
preserveContainmentId = view->containment()->id();
else if (view->containment()->id() < preserveContainmentId)
preserveContainmentId = view->containment()->id();
if (!dockViewExists(containment) && futureShownViews.contains(containment->id())) {
qDebug() << "syncDockViewsToScreens: view must be added... for:" << m_corona->screenPool()->connector(screenId);
//! check which docks must be deleted e.g. when the corresponding
//! screen does not exist any more.
//! The code is smart enough in order
//! to never delete the last tasks dock and also it makes sure that
//! the last tasks dock which will exist in the end will be the one
//! with the lowest containment id
//! remove views
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
bool found{false};
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
if (scr->name() == view->currentScreen()
|| (view->onPrimary() && scr == qGuiApp->primaryScreen())) {
found = true;
//! which explicit docks can be deleted
if (!found && !view->onPrimary() && (m_dockViews.size() > 1) && m_dockViews.contains(view->containment())
&& !(view->tasksPresent() && noDocksWithTasks() == 1)) {
//do not delete last dock containing tasks
if (dockWithTasksWillBeShown || preserveContainmentId != view->containment()->id()) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: view must be deleted... for:" << view->currentScreen();
auto viewToDelete = m_dockViews.take(view->containment());
//!which primary docks can be deleted
} else if (view->onPrimary() && !found
&& !freeEdges(qGuiApp->primaryScreen()).contains(view->location())) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: primary view must be deleted... for:" << view->currentScreen();
if (view->containment() && !futureShownViews.contains(view->containment()->id())) {
qDebug() << "syncDockViewsToScreens: view must be deleted... for:" << view->currentScreen();
auto viewToDelete = m_dockViews.take(view->containment());
} else {
//! reconsider views
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
if (view->containment() && futureShownViews.contains(view->containment()->id())) {
//! if the dock will not be deleted its a very good point to reconsider
//! if the screen in which is running is the correct one
qDebug() << "end of screens count change....";
qDebug() << "adding consideration....";
qDebug() << "dock view running : " << m_dockViews.count();
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
qDebug() << "Found screen: " << scr->name();
foreach (auto cont, m_containments) {
int id = cont->screen();
if (id == -1) {
id = cont->lastScreen();
bool onPrimary = cont->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location location = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)cont->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));
//! two main situations that a dock must be added when it is not already running
//! 1. when a dock is primary, not running and the edge for which is associated is free
//! 2. when a dock in explicit, not running and the associated screen currently exists
//! e.g. the screen has just been added
if (((onPrimary && freeEdges(qGuiApp->primaryScreen()).contains(location)) || (!onPrimary && (m_corona->screenPool()->connector(id) == scr->name())))
&& (!m_dockViews.contains(cont))) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: view must be added... for:" << scr->name();
qDebug() << "removing consideration & updating screen for always on primary docks....";
//! this code tries to find a containment that must not be deleted by
//! automatic algorithm. Currently the containment with the minimum id
//! containing tasks plasmoid wins
int preserveContainmentId{ -1};
bool dockWithTasksWillBeShown{false};
//! associate correct values for preserveContainmentId and
//! dockWithTasksWillBeShown
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
bool found{false};
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
if (scr->name() == view->currentScreen()
|| (view->onPrimary() && scr == qGuiApp->primaryScreen())) {
found = true;
//!check if a tasks dock will be shown (try to prevent its deletion)
if (found && view->tasksPresent()) {
dockWithTasksWillBeShown = true;
if (!found && !view->onPrimary() && (m_dockViews.size() > 1) && m_dockViews.contains(view->containment())
&& !(view->tasksPresent() && noDocksWithTasks() == 1)) { //do not delete last dock containing tasks
if (view->tasksPresent()) {
if (preserveContainmentId == -1)
preserveContainmentId = view->containment()->id();
else if (view->containment()->id() < preserveContainmentId)
preserveContainmentId = view->containment()->id();
//! check which docks must be deleted e.g. when the corresponding
//! screen does not exist any more.
//! The code is smart enough in order
//! to never delete the last tasks dock and also it makes sure that
//! the last tasks dock which will exist in the end will be the one
//! with the lowest containment id
foreach (auto view, m_dockViews) {
bool found{false};
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
if (scr->name() == view->currentScreen()
|| (view->onPrimary() && scr == qGuiApp->primaryScreen())) {
found = true;
//! which explicit docks can be deleted
if (!found && !view->onPrimary() && (m_dockViews.size() > 1) && m_dockViews.contains(view->containment())
&& !(view->tasksPresent() && noDocksWithTasks() == 1)) {
//do not delete last dock containing tasks
if (dockWithTasksWillBeShown || preserveContainmentId != view->containment()->id()) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: view must be deleted... for:" << view->currentScreen();
auto viewToDelete = m_dockViews.take(view->containment());
//!which primary docks can be deleted
} else if (view->onPrimary() && !found
&& !freeEdges(qGuiApp->primaryScreen()).contains(view->location())) {
qDebug() << "screen Count signal: primary view must be deleted... for:" << view->currentScreen();
auto viewToDelete = m_dockViews.take(view->containment());
} else {
//! if the dock will not be deleted its a very good point to reconsider
//! if the screen in which is running is the correct one
qDebug() << "end of, syncDockViewsToScreens ....";
void Layout::assignToLayout(DockView *dockView, QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments)
@ -1613,6 +1727,15 @@ QList<Plasma::Containment *> Layout::unassignFromLayout(DockView *dockView)
return containments;
bool Layout::dockViewExists(Plasma::Containment *containment)
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
return m_dockViews.keys().contains(containment);
QList<Plasma::Types::Location> Layout::freeEdges(QScreen *screen) const
using Plasma::Types;
@ -1674,6 +1797,25 @@ bool Layout::explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location
return false;
bool Layout::primaryDockOccupyEdge(Plasma::Types::Location location) const
if (!m_corona) {
return false;
foreach (auto containment, m_containments) {
if (containment->pluginMetaData().pluginId() == "org.kde.latte.containment") {
bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
Plasma::Types::Location contLocation = containment->location();
if (onPrimary && contLocation == location) {
return true;
return false;
int Layout::noDocksWithTasks() const

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ public:
bool isWritable() const;
bool dockViewExists(Plasma::Containment *containment);
int version() const;
void setVersion(int ver);
@ -179,6 +181,7 @@ private:
void setFile(QString file);
bool explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location) const;
bool primaryDockOccupyEdge(Plasma::Types::Location location) const;
bool kwin_disabledMaximizedBorders() const;
void kwin_setDisabledMaximizedBorders(bool disable);

View File

@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ void LayoutManager::loadLatteLayout(QString layoutPath)
//! this is used to record the first dock having tasks in it. It is used
//! to specify which dock will be loaded on startup if a case that no "dock
//! with tasks" will be loaded otherwise. Currently the older one dock wins
int firstContainmentWithTasks = -1;
/*int firstContainmentWithTasks = -1;
//! this is used to check if a dock with tasks in it will be loaded on startup
bool tasksWillBeLoaded = heuresticForLoadingDockWithTasks(&firstContainmentWithTasks);
@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ void LayoutManager::loadLatteLayout(QString layoutPath)
} else {

View File

@ -222,6 +222,21 @@ QList <int> ScreenPool::knownIds() const
return m_connectorForId.keys();
bool ScreenPool::screenExists(int id)
if (id != -1 && knownIds().contains(id)) {
QString scrName = connector(id);
foreach (auto scr, qGuiApp->screens()) {
if (scr->name() == scrName) {
return true;
return false;
QScreen *ScreenPool::screenForId(int id)
const auto screens = qGuiApp->screens();

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public:
void load();
~ScreenPool() override;
bool screenExists(int id);
int primaryScreenId() const;
QString primaryConnector() const;