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480 lines
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* Copyright 2016 Smith AR <audoban@openmailbox.org>
* Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "globalshortcuts.h"
#include <QAction>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include <QMetaMethod>
#include <QX11Info>
#include <KActionCollection>
#include <KGlobalAccel>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KPluginMetaData>
#include <Plasma/Applet>
#include <Plasma/Containment>
// X11
#include <X11/keysym.h>
#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
//this code is used by activityswitcher in plasma in order to check if the
//user has release all the modifier keys from the globalshortcut
namespace {
bool isPlatformX11()
static const bool isX11 = QX11Info::isPlatformX11();
return isX11;
// Taken from kwin/tabbox/tabbox.cpp
Display *x11_display()
static Display *s_display = nullptr;
if (!s_display) {
s_display = QX11Info::display();
return s_display;
bool x11_areKeySymXsDepressed(bool bAll, const uint keySyms[], int nKeySyms)
char keymap[32];
XQueryKeymap(x11_display(), keymap);
for (int iKeySym = 0; iKeySym < nKeySyms; iKeySym++) {
uint keySymX = keySyms[ iKeySym ];
uchar keyCodeX = XKeysymToKeycode(x11_display(), keySymX);
int i = keyCodeX / 8;
char mask = 1 << (keyCodeX - (i * 8));
// Abort if bad index value,
if (i < 0 || i >= 32)
return false;
// If ALL keys passed need to be depressed,
if (bAll) {
if ((keymap[i] & mask) == 0)
return false;
} else {
// If we are looking for ANY key press, and this key is depressed,
if (keymap[i] & mask)
return true;
// If we were looking for ANY key press, then none was found, return false,
// If we were looking for ALL key presses, then all were found, return true.
return bAll;
bool x11_areModKeysDepressed(const QKeySequence &seq)
uint rgKeySyms[10];
int nKeySyms = 0;
if (seq.isEmpty()) {
return false;
int mod = seq[seq.count() - 1] & Qt::KeyboardModifierMask;
if (mod & Qt::SHIFT) {
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Shift_R;
if (mod & Qt::CTRL) {
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Control_R;
if (mod & Qt::ALT) {
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Alt_R;
if (mod & Qt::META) {
// It would take some code to determine whether the Win key
// is associated with Super or Meta, so check for both.
// See bug #140023 for details.
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Super_R;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_L;
rgKeySyms[nKeySyms++] = XK_Meta_R;
return x11_areKeySymXsDepressed(false, rgKeySyms, nKeySyms);
namespace Latte {
GlobalShortcuts::GlobalShortcuts(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
m_corona = qobject_cast<DockCorona *>(parent);
if (m_corona) {
if (isPlatformX11()) {
//in X11 the timer is a poller that checks to see if the modifier keys
//from user global shortcut have been released
} else {
//on wayland in acting just as simple timer that hides the dock afterwards
connect(&m_hideDockTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &GlobalShortcuts::hideDockTimerSlot);
void GlobalShortcuts::init()
KActionCollection *taskbarActions = new KActionCollection(m_corona);
//activate actions
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
const int entryNumber = i + 1;
const Qt::Key key = static_cast<Qt::Key>(Qt::Key_0 + (entryNumber % 10));
QAction *action = taskbarActions->addAction(QStringLiteral("activate task manager entry %1").arg(QString::number(entryNumber)));
action->setText(i18n("Activate Task Manager Entry %1", entryNumber));
action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::META + key));
KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(action, QKeySequence(Qt::META + key));
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, i] {
// qDebug() << "meta action...";
activateTaskManagerEntry(i, static_cast<Qt::Key>(Qt::META));
//new instance actions
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
const int entryNumber = i + 1;
const Qt::Key key = static_cast<Qt::Key>(Qt::Key_0 + (entryNumber % 10));
QAction *action = taskbarActions->addAction(QStringLiteral("new instance for task manager entry %1").arg(QString::number(entryNumber)));
action->setText(i18n("New Instance for Task Manager Entry %1", entryNumber));
KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(action, QKeySequence(Qt::META + Qt::CTRL + key));
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, i] {
// qDebug() << "meta + ctrl + action...";
activateTaskManagerEntry(i, static_cast<Qt::Key>(Qt::CTRL));
//show-hide the main dock in the primary screen
QAction *showAction = taskbarActions->addAction(QStringLiteral("show latte dock"));
showAction->setText(i18n("Show Latte Dock"));
showAction->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::META + '`'));
KGlobalAccel::setGlobalShortcut(showAction, QKeySequence(Qt::META + '`'));
connect(showAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() {
//! Activate launcher menu through dbus interface
void GlobalShortcuts::activateLauncherMenu()
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
const auto applets = it.key()->applets();
for (auto applet : applets) {
const auto provides = applet->kPackage().metadata().value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"));
if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.launchermenu"))) {
emit applet->activated();
//! Activate task manager entry
void GlobalShortcuts::activateTaskManagerEntry(int index, Qt::Key modifier)
m_lastInvokedAction = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(sender());
auto activateTaskManagerEntryOnContainment = [this](const Plasma::Containment * c, int index, Qt::Key modifier) {
const auto &applets = c->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
const auto &provides = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(applet->pluginMetaData().rawData(), QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-Provides"));
if (provides.contains(QLatin1String("org.kde.plasma.multitasking"))) {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->kPackage().metadata();
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
// not using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to avoid warnings when calling
// this on applets that don't have it or other child items since this
// is pretty much trial and error.
// Also, "var" arguments are treated as QVariant in QMetaObject
int methodIndex = modifier == static_cast<Qt::Key>(Qt::META) ?
metaObject->indexOfMethod("activateTaskAtIndex(QVariant)") :
int methodIndex2 = metaObject->indexOfMethod("setShowTasksNumbers(QVariant)");
if (methodIndex == -1 || (methodIndex2 == -1 && meta.pluginId() == "org.kde.latte.plasmoid")) {
m_tasksPlasmoid = item;
m_tasksMethodIndex = methodIndex2;
m_methodShowNumbers = metaObject->method(m_tasksMethodIndex);
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
if (method.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, index))) {
if (methodIndex2 != -1) {
m_methodShowNumbers.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, true));
return true;
return false;
// To avoid overly complex configuration, we'll try to get the 90% usecase to work
// which is activating a task on the task manager on a panel on the primary screen.
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
if (it.value()->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
if (activateTaskManagerEntryOnContainment(it.key(), index, modifier)) {
m_hideDock = it.value();
// we didn't find anything on primary, try all the panels
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
if (activateTaskManagerEntryOnContainment(it.key(), index, modifier)) {
m_hideDock = it.value();
//! update badge for specific dock item
void GlobalShortcuts::updateDockItemBadge(QString identifier, QString value)
//qDebug() << "DBUS CALL ::: " << identifier << " - " << value;
auto updateBadgeForTaskInContainment = [this](const Plasma::Containment * c, QString identifier, QString value) {
const auto &applets = c->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->kPackage().metadata();
if (meta.pluginId() == "org.kde.latte.plasmoid") {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
// not using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to avoid warnings when calling
// this on applets that don't have it or other child items since this
// is pretty much trial and error.
// Also, "var" arguments are treated as QVariant in QMetaObject
int methodIndex = metaObject->indexOfMethod("updateBadge(QVariant,QVariant)");
if (methodIndex == -1) {
QMetaMethod method = metaObject->method(methodIndex);
if (method.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, identifier), Q_ARG(QVariant, value))) {
return true;
return false;
// update badges in all Latte Tasks plasmoids
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
updateBadgeForTaskInContainment(it.key(), identifier, value);
void GlobalShortcuts::showDock()
m_lastInvokedAction = dynamic_cast<QAction *>(sender());
auto containsLattePlasmoid = [this](const Plasma::Containment * c) {
const auto &applets = c->applets();
for (auto *applet : applets) {
KPluginMetaData meta = applet->kPackage().metadata();
if (meta.pluginId() == "org.kde.latte.plasmoid") {
if (QQuickItem *appletInterface = applet->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>()) {
const auto &childItems = appletInterface->childItems();
if (childItems.isEmpty()) {
for (QQuickItem *item : childItems) {
if (auto *metaObject = item->metaObject()) {
// not using QMetaObject::invokeMethod to avoid warnings when calling
// this on applets that don't have it or other child items since this
// is pretty much trial and error.
// Also, "var" arguments are treated as QVariant in QMetaObject
int methodIndex2 = metaObject->indexOfMethod("setShowTasksNumbers(QVariant)");
if (methodIndex2 == -1) {
m_tasksPlasmoid = item;
m_tasksMethodIndex = methodIndex2;
m_methodShowNumbers = metaObject->method(m_tasksMethodIndex);
if (m_methodShowNumbers.invoke(item, Q_ARG(QVariant, true))) {
return true;
return false;
// To avoid overly complex configuration, we'll try to get the 90% usecase to work
// which is activating a task on the task manager on a panel on the primary screen.
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
if (it.value()->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
if (containsLattePlasmoid(it.key())) {
m_hideDock = it.value();
// we didn't find anything on primary, try all the panels
for (auto it = m_corona->m_dockViews.constBegin(), end = m_corona->m_dockViews.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
if (containsLattePlasmoid(it.key())) {
m_hideDock = it.value();
void GlobalShortcuts::hideDockTimerSlot()
if (!m_lastInvokedAction || !m_hideDock) {
if (isPlatformX11()) {
if (!x11_areModKeysDepressed(m_lastInvokedAction->shortcut())) {
m_lastInvokedAction = Q_NULLPTR;
m_hideDock = Q_NULLPTR;
if (m_tasksPlasmoid) {
m_methodShowNumbers.invoke(m_tasksPlasmoid, Q_ARG(QVariant, false));
m_tasksPlasmoid = Q_NULLPTR;
m_tasksMethodIndex = -1;
} else {
// TODO: This is needs to be fixed in wayland
m_lastInvokedAction = Q_NULLPTR;
m_hideDock = Q_NULLPTR;
if (m_tasksPlasmoid) {
m_methodShowNumbers.invoke(m_tasksPlasmoid, Q_ARG(QVariant, false));
m_tasksPlasmoid = Q_NULLPTR;
m_tasksMethodIndex = -1;
#include "moc_globalshortcuts.cpp"