*/ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */ /* Run from project directory * * php tools/update_version.php ZINT_VERSION_MAJOR ZINT_VERSION_MINOR ZINT_VERSION_RELEASE [ZINT_VERSION_BUILD] * * e.g. before release * php tools/update_version.php 3 4 5 * cd docs; make * after release * php tools/update_version.php 3 4 5 9 * cd docs; make */ $basename = basename(__FILE__); $dirname = dirname(__FILE__); $data_dirname = $dirname . '/../'; if ($argc < 4) { exit("$basename: ZINT_VERSION_MAJOR ZINT_VERSION_MINOR ZINT_VERSION_RELEASE [ZINT_VERSION_BUILD]" . PHP_EOL); } $major = $argv[1]; $minor = $argv[2]; $release = $argv[3]; $build = $argc > 4 ? $argv[4] : "0"; if (!ctype_digit($major) || !ctype_digit($minor) || !ctype_digit($release) || !ctype_digit($build)) { exit("$basename: ZINT_VERSION_MAJOR ZINT_VERSION_MINOR ZINT_VERSION_RELEASE [ZINT_VERSION_BUILD] must be numeric" . PHP_EOL); } $major = (int) $major; $minor = (int) $minor; $release = (int) $release; $build = (int) $build; if ($major === 0) { exit("$basename: ZINT_VERSION_MAJOR zero" . PHP_EOL); } if ($build && $build !== 9) { exit("$basename: ZINT_VERSION_BUILD not 9" . PHP_EOL); } $v_base_str = $v_str = "$major.$minor.$release"; if ($build) { $v_str .= ".$build"; } $v_str_dev = $build ? $v_str . ' (dev)' : $v_str; $rc_str1 = "$major,$minor,$release,$build"; $rc_str2 = "$major.$minor.$release.$build"; $year = date("Y"); /* Ouput error message and exit */ function err_exit($line_no, $msg) { global $basename; exit("$basename:$line_no ERROR: $msg" . PHP_EOL); } /* `$to_do` is no. of lines that should get replaced/changed, not no. of replacements */ function version_replace($to_do, $file, $match_pattern, $replace_pattern, $replace_str) { if (($get = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not read file \"$file\""); } $lines = explode("\n", $get); $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match($match_pattern, $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace($replace_pattern, $replace_str, $line, -1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace \"$match_pattern\" in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } if ($done === $to_do) { break; } } if ($done !== $to_do) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Only did $done replacements of $to_do in file \"$file\""); } if (!file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines))) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not write file \"$file\""); } } /* Do ".rc" replace, `$rc_str1` is comma-separated version, `$rc_str2` dot-separated version */ function rc_replace($file, $rc_str1, $rc_str2, $year = '') { if (($get = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not read file \"$file\""); } $match_pattern1 = '/#define[ \t]+VER_FILEVERSION[ \t]+/'; $match_pattern2 = '/#define[ \t]+VER_FILEVERSION_STR[ \t]+/'; $lines = explode("\n", $get); $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match($match_pattern1, $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9,]+/', $rc_str1, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace \"$match_pattern1\" in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } else if (preg_match($match_pattern2, $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9.]+/', $rc_str2, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace \"$match_pattern2\" in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } if ($done === 2) { break; } } if ($done !== 2) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Only did $done replacements of 2 in file \"$file\""); } if ($year !== '') { $match_pattern = '/VALUE[ \t]+"LegalCopyright",[ \t]+"Copyright /'; $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match($match_pattern, $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', $year, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace \"$match_pattern\" in file \"$file\""); } $done++; break; } } if ($done !== 1) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Failed to replace Copyright year in file \"$file\""); } } if (!file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines))) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not write file \"$file\""); } } function year_replace($file, $year) { if (($get = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not read file \"$file\""); } $match_pattern = '/Copyright /'; $lines = explode("\n", $get); $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match($match_pattern, $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', $year, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace \"$match_pattern\" in file \"$file\""); } $done++; break; } } if ($done !== 1) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Failed to replace Copyright year in file \"$file\""); } if (!file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines))) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not write file \"$file\""); } } // CMakeLists.txt $file = $data_dirname . 'CMakeLists.txt'; if (($get = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not read file \"$file\""); } $lines = explode("\n", $get); $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match('/\(ZINT_VERSION_(MAJOR|MINOR|RELEASE|BUILD)/', $line, $matches)) { $cnt = 0; $mmr = $matches[1] === "MAJOR" ? $major : ($matches[1] === "MINOR" ? $minor : ($matches[1] === "RELEASE" ? $release : $build)); $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9]+\)/', $mmr . ')', $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace ZINT_VERSION_{$matches[1]} in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } if ($done === 4) { break; } } if ($done !== 4) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Only did $done replacements of 4 in file \"$file\""); } if (!file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines))) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not write file \"$file\""); } // README year_replace($data_dirname . 'README', $year); // README.linux version_replace(4, $data_dirname . 'README.linux', '/zint-[0-9]/', '/[0-9][0-9.]+/', $v_base_str); // zint.spec version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'zint.spec', '/^Version:/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_base_str); // zint.nsi version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'zint.nsi', '/^!define +PRODUCT_VERSION/', '/"[0-9.]+"/', '"' . $v_str . '"'); // backend/libzint.rc rc_replace($data_dirname . 'backend/libzint.rc', $rc_str1, $rc_str2, $year); // backend/zint.h version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend/zint.h', '/^ \* Version: /', '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?( \(dev\))?/', $v_str_dev); // backend/zintconfig.h $file = $data_dirname . 'backend/zintconfig.h'; if (($get = file_get_contents($file)) === false) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not read file \"$file\""); } $lines = explode("\n", $get); $done = 0; foreach ($lines as $li => $line) { if (preg_match('/define[ \t]+ZINT_VERSION_(MAJOR|MINOR|RELEASE)[ \t]+/', $line, $matches)) { $cnt = 0; $mmr = $matches[1] === "MAJOR" ? $major : ($matches[1] === "MINOR" ? $minor : $release); $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', $mmr, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace ZINT_VERSION_{$matches[1]} in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } elseif (preg_match('/define[ \t]+ZINT_VERSION_BUILD[ \t]+/', $line)) { $cnt = 0; $lines[$li] = preg_replace('/(BUILD[ \t]+)[0-9]+/', '${1}' . $build, $line, 1, $cnt); if ($cnt === 0 || $lines[$li] === NULL) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not replace ZINT_VERSION_BUILD in file \"$file\""); } $done++; } if ($done === 4) { break; } } if ($done !== 4) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Only did $done replacements of 4 in file \"$file\""); } if (!file_put_contents($file, implode("\n", $lines))) { err_exit(__LINE__, "Could not write file \"$file\""); } // backend/Makefile.mingw version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend/Makefile.mingw', '/^ZINT_VERSION:=-DZINT_VERSION=/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_str); // backend_tcl/configure.ac version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend_tcl/configure.ac', '/^AC_INIT\(\[zint\],[ \t]*\[/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_base_str); // backend_tcl/zint_tcl.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'backend_tcl/zint_tcl.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'backend_tcl/zint_tcl.vcxproj', '/PACKAGE_VERSION="/', '/PACKAGE_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'PACKAGE_VERSION="' . $v_base_str . '"'); // backend_tcl/lib/zint/pkgIndex.tcl version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend_tcl/lib/zint/pkgIndex.tcl', '/zint /', '/zint [0-9.]+/', 'zint ' . $v_base_str . ''); // backend_tcl/licence.txt year_replace($data_dirname . 'backend_tcl/licence.txt', $year); // frontend/zint.rc rc_replace($data_dirname . 'frontend/zint.rc', $rc_str1, $rc_str2, $year); // frontend/Makefile.mingw version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'frontend/Makefile.mingw', '/^ZINT_VERSION:=-DZINT_VERSION=/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_str); // backend_qt/backend_vc8.pro version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend_qt/backend_vc8.pro', '/^VERSION[ \t]*=/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_str); - // backend_qt/backend_qt.pro version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend_qt/backend_qt.pro', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_str); version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'backend_qt/backend_qt.pro', '/^VERSION[ \t]*=/', '/[0-9.]+/', $v_str); // docs/manual.pmd version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'docs/manual.pmd', '/^% Version /', '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?( \(dev\))?/', $v_str); version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'docs/manual.pmd', '/^The current stable version of Zint/', '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?/', $v_base_str); // docs/zint.1.pmd version_replace(1, $data_dirname . 'docs/zint.1.pmd', '/^% ZINT\(1\) Version /', '/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?( \(dev\))?/', $v_str); // frontend_qt/res/qtZint.rc rc_replace($data_dirname . 'frontend_qt/res/qtZint.rc', $rc_str1, $rc_str2, $year); // win32/libzint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/libzint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/zint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/zint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/zint_cmdline_vc6/zint.rc rc_replace($data_dirname . 'win32/zint_cmdline_vc6/zint.rc', $rc_str1, $rc_str2, $year); // win32/zint_cmdline_vc6/zint_cmdline_vc6.dsp version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/zint_cmdline_vc6/zint_cmdline_vc6.dsp', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="\\\\"[0-9.]+\\\\""/', 'ZINT_VERSION="\\"' . $v_str . '\\""'); // win32/vs2008/libzint.vcproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2008/libzint.vcproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/"[0-9.]+/', '"' . $v_str); // win32/vs2008/zint.vcproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2008/zint.vcproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/"[0-9.]+/', '"' . $v_str); // win32/vs2015/libzint.vcxproj version_replace(6, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2015/libzint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/vs2015/zint.vcxproj version_replace(6, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2015/zint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/vs2017/libzint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2017/libzint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/vs2017/zint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2017/zint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/vs2019/libzint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2019/libzint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // win32/vs2019/zint.vcxproj version_replace(2, $data_dirname . 'win32/vs2019/zint.vcxproj', '/ZINT_VERSION="/', '/ZINT_VERSION="[0-9.]+"/', 'ZINT_VERSION="' . $v_str . '"'); // Leaving auto-generated files: // backend_tcl/configure (PACKAGE_VERSION and PACKAGE_STRING) - generated by autoconf from configure.ac // frontend_qt/Inno_Setup_qtzint.iss (MyAppVersion) print PHP_EOL; print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' . PHP_EOL; print '!!! REMEMBER: update release date in manual !!!' . PHP_EOL; print '!!! REMEMBER: cd docs; make !!!' . PHP_EOL; print '!!! REMEMBER: run "autoconf" and "./configure" in "backend_tcl/" !!!' . PHP_EOL; print '!!! REMEMBER: update version and date in "ChangeLog" !!!' . PHP_EOL; print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' . PHP_EOL; print PHP_EOL; /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */