mirror of https://github.com/woo-j/zint.git synced 2025-02-09 17:57:33 +03:00
gitlost 32c9e6a98e Remove bitmap_byte_length member from zint_symbol
(was only set on BMP output to length of BMP pixel array)
EXCODE39: change to display check digit in HRT by default
CODE39/EXCODE39/LOGMARS: new hidden check digit option
  (`option_2 = 2`)
qr.c: suppress bogus gcc-13 warning (only appears on optimize)
GUI: move some symbology-specific options into Data Tab so
  separate tab unnecessary (those with few options and no
  Composite/ECI), namely: all C25XXX, CODE39/EXCODE39/LOGMARS,
  UPNQR, CHANNEL, CODE93 and VIN, adjusting grp uis.
  change Data dialog button (ellipsis) QToolButton -> QPushButton
  & vice versa zap/clear/eye/swap/scale buttons QPushButton ->
  QToolButton for better mac compat (also makes sense);
  remove some mac hacks that no longer seem necessary;
  use folder icon for Export dialog directory button
manual: document new Symbology-specific groupbox & CODE39/etc
  hidden check digit option; add annexes on Qt and Tcl backends;
  narrow some tables for better txt output;
  remove echoed image tags in txt (pandoc 3.1.5 regression?);
  add one-page HTML output to Makefile; also tex output (debug);
  add class attributes to images to aid HTML styling;
  various other fiddlings
2023-07-18 11:11:50 +01:00

218 lines
6.8 KiB

# Makefile for generating "manual.txt" and "manual.pdf" from "manual.pmd" and "zint.1" from "zint.1.pmd" using pandoc
# Copyright (C) 2022-2023 <rstuart114@gmail.com>
# Requires a recent version of pandoc, plus pandoc-tablenos, xelatex and various other packages - see "README"
# .svg images generated by "zint_images.sh"
SOURCE = manual.pmd
OUT_PDF = manual.pdf
OUT_TXT = manual.txt
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images/gui_composite.png \
images/gui_segs.png \
images/gui_c25inter.png \
images/gui_aztec.png \
images/gui_appearance.png \
images/gui_scaling.png \
images/gui_set_printing_scale.png \
images/gui_black_eye.png \
images/gui_white_eye.png \
images/gui_swap.png \
images/gui_colour.png \
images/gui_data_dialog.png \
images/gui_sequence.png \
images/gui_export.png \
images/gui_cli_equivalent.png \
images/tcl_demo.png \
images/pdf417_heightperrow.svg \
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images/qrcode_binary_utf8.svg \
images/codeone_s_dotty.svg \
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images/code11.svg \
images/c25standard.svg \
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images/c25ind.svg \
images/c25inter.svg \
images/c25logic.svg \
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images/pzn.svg \
images/logmars.svg \
images/code32.svg \
images/hibc_39.svg \
images/vin.svg \
images/codabar.svg \
images/pharma.svg \
images/code128.svg \
images/code128ab.svg \
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images/ean14.svg \
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images/hibc_128.svg \
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images/dbar_ltd.svg \
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images/eanx_cc_b.svg \
images/gs1_128_cc_c.svg \
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images/kix.svg \
images/rm4scc.svg \
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images/japanpost.svg \
images/hibc_dm.svg \
images/mailmark_2d.svg \
images/qrcode.svg \
images/microqr.svg \
images/rmqr.svg \
images/upnqr.svg \
images/maxicode.svg \
images/aztec.svg \
images/azrune.svg \
images/codeone.svg \
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images/dotcode.svg \
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images/fim.svg \
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sed -i -e 's/section{/subsection{/' $(TEX_MAN_PAGE) # Convert man page sections to subsections
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-o $(OUT_PDF)
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-o $(OUT_TXT)
# Indent Man Page sections in TOC, remove trailing spaces and echoed image tags
sed -i \
-e 's/^\(- [A-Z][A-Z ]*\)$$/ \1/' \
-e 's/ *$$//' \
-e '/^\[.*\]$$/{N;N;s/\[\(.*\)\]\n\n\1/[\1]/;p;d}' \
# Wrap
sed -i '/.\{81\}/{s/.\{80\}/&\n/}' $(OUT_TXT)
pandoc $(SOURCE_MAN_PAGE) -f markdown \
# For debugging
pandoc $(SOURCE_MAN_PAGE) -f markdown \
sed -i -e 's/section{/subsection{/' $(TEX_MAN_PAGE) # Convert man page sections to subsections
pandoc $(SOURCE) -f markdown $(INC_PDF) --toc --toc-depth=4 \
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-o $(OUT_HTML)
# Indent Man Page sections in TOC, change Man Page sections h1 -> h2, remove Man Page meta, fix Table captions
sed -i \
-e 's/\(Man Page ZINT(1)<\/a>\)<\/li>/\1<ul>/' \
-e 's/\(AUTHORS<\/a><\/li>\)/\1<\/ul><\/li>/' \
-e 's/^<h1\([^>]*>[A-Z][A-Z ]*<\/\)h1>$$/<h2\1h2>/' \
-e 's/^<p>% ZINT(1)[^<]*<\/p>//' \
-e 's/<caption><span>Table\(.:[^:]*\):/<caption><span>Table\1/' \