mirror of https://github.com/woo-j/zint.git synced 2024-12-23 13:33:55 +03:00
gitlost 72eac41c34 Add compliant height, using ZINT_COMPLIANT_HEIGHT flag for back-compatibility
Rename barcode funcs to same as BARCODE_XXX name
library: barcode funcs array for dispatch, used for ZBarcode_ValidID() also
general: change is_sane() comparison to nonzero from ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_OPTION
MAILMARK: fuller error messages
CODABAR: add option to show check character in HRT
zint.h: use 0xNNNN for OR-able defines
GUI: add guard descent height reset button, add Zint version to window title,
  static get_zint_version() method, use QStringLiteral (QSL shorthand),
  use SIGNAL(toggled()), add errtxt "popup" and status bar, add icons,
  add saveAs shortcut, add main menu, context menus and actions, add help,
  reset_view() -> reset_colours(), add copy to clipboard as EMF/GIF/PNG/TIF,
  lessen triggering of update_preview(), shorten names of getters/setters,
  simplify/shorten some update_preview() logic in switch,
  CODEONE disable structapp for Version S
qzint.cpp: add on_errored signal, add missing getters, add test
2021-10-09 00:13:39 +01:00

229 lines
6.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008 by BogDan Vatra *
* bogdan@licentia.eu *
* Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Robin Stuart *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */
#ifndef QZINT_H
#define QZINT_H
#include <QColor>
#include <QPainter>
#include "zint.h"
namespace Zint
class QZint : public QObject
enum AspectRatioMode{ IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, KeepAspectRatio = 1, CenterBarCode = 2 }; /* Legacy - not used */
int symbol() const; /* Symbology */
void setSymbol(int symbol);
int inputMode() const;
void setInputMode(int input_mode);
QString text() const;
void setText(const QString& text);
QString primaryMessage() const;
void setPrimaryMessage(const QString& primaryMessage);
float height() const;
void setHeight(float height);
int option1() const;
void setOption1(int option_1);
int option2() const;
void setOption2(int option);
int option3() const;
void setOption3(int option);
float scale() const;
void setScale(float scale);
bool dotty() const;
void setDotty(bool botty);
float dotSize() const;
void setDotSize(float dot_size);
float guardDescent() const;
void setGuardDescent(float guardDescent);
int structAppCount() const;
int structAppIndex() const;
QString structAppID() const;
void setStructApp(const int count, const int index, const QString& id);
void clearStructApp();
QColor fgColor() const;
void setFgColor(const QColor& fgColor);
QColor bgColor() const;
void setBgColor(const QColor& bgColor);
bool cmyk() const;
void setCMYK(bool cmyk);
int borderType() const;
void setBorderType(int borderTypeIndex);
int borderWidth() const;
void setBorderWidth(int borderWidth);
int whitespace() const;
void setWhitespace(int whitespace);
int vWhitespace() const;
void setVWhitespace(int vWhitespace);
int fontSetting() const;
void setFontSetting(int fontSettingIndex); // Sets from comboBox index
void setFontSettingValue(int fontSetting); // Sets literal value
bool showText() const;
void setShowText(bool showText);
bool gsSep() const;
void setGSSep(bool gsSep);
bool quietZones() const;
void setQuietZones(bool quietZones);
bool noQuietZones() const;
void setNoQuietZones(bool noQuietZones);
bool compliantHeight() const;
void setCompliantHeight(bool compliantHeight);
int rotateAngle() const;
void setRotateAngle(int rotateIndex); // Sets from comboBox index
void setRotateAngleValue(int rotateAngle); // Sets literal value
int eci() const;
void setECI(int ECIIndex); // Sets from comboBox index
void setECIValue(int eci); // Sets literal value
bool gs1Parens() const;
void setGS1Parens(bool gs1Parens);
bool gs1NoCheck() const;
void setGS1NoCheck(bool gs1NoCheck);
bool readerInit() const;
void setReaderInit(bool readerInit);
bool debug() const;
void setDebug(bool debug);
/* Legacy property getters/setters */
void setWidth(int width); /* option_1 */
int width() const;
void setSecurityLevel(int securityLevel); /* option_2 */
int securityLevel() const;
void setPdf417CodeWords(int pdf417CodeWords); /* No-op */
int pdf417CodeWords() const;
void setHideText(bool hide); /* setShowText(!hide) */
void setTargetSize(int width, int height);
QString error_message() const; /* Same as lastError() */
/* Test capabilities - ZBarcode_Cap() */
bool hasHRT(int symbology = 0) const;
bool isExtendable(int symbology = 0) const;
bool supportsECI(int symbology = 0) const;
bool supportsGS1(int symbology = 0) const;
bool hasDefaultQuietZones(int symbology = 0) const;
bool isFixedRatio(int symbology = 0) const;
bool isDotty(int symbology = 0) const;
bool supportsReaderInit(int symbology = 0) const;
bool hasCompliantHeight(int symbology = 0) const;
int getError() const;
const QString& lastError() const;
bool hasErrors() const;
bool save_to_file(QString filename);
/* Note: legacy argument `mode` is not used */
void render(QPainter& painter, const QRectF& paintRect, AspectRatioMode mode = IgnoreAspectRatio);
int getVersion() const;
void encoded();
void errored();
void resetSymbol();
void encode();
static Qt::GlobalColor colourToQtColor(int colour);
int m_symbol;
QString m_text;
QString m_primaryMessage;
float m_height;
int m_borderType;
int m_borderWidth;
int m_fontSetting;
int m_option_1;
int m_option_2;
int m_option_3;
int m_input_mode;
QColor m_fgColor;
QColor m_bgColor;
bool m_cmyk;
QString m_lastError;
int m_error;
int m_whitespace;
int m_vwhitespace;
zint_symbol * m_zintSymbol;
float m_scale;
bool m_show_hrt;
int m_eci;
int m_rotate_angle;
bool m_dotty;
float m_dot_size;
float m_guardDescent;
struct zint_structapp m_structapp;
bool m_gs1parens;
bool m_gs1nocheck;
bool m_gssep;
bool m_quiet_zones;
bool m_no_quiet_zones;
bool m_compliant_height;
bool m_reader_init;
bool m_debug;
int target_size_horiz; /* Legacy */
int target_size_vert; /* Legacy */
} /* namespace Zint */
#endif /* QZINT_H */