mirror of https://github.com/woo-j/zint.git synced 2025-02-26 17:57:30 +03:00
gitlost dff534140a CLI: fix batch mode fopen() -> win_fopen() (Windows)
GUI: fix `save_to_file()` `filename.toLatin1()` -> `toUtf8()`
tests: `fopen()` -> `testUtilOpen()`, `remove()` -> `testUtilRemove()`
  ticket #288, props Marcel
2023-05-10 21:29:09 +01:00

1170 lines
74 KiB

libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
without specific prior written permission.
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
#include "testcommon.h"
static void test_upce_input(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret;
char *hrt;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345", 0, "00123457" }, /* equivalent: 00123400005, Check digit: 7 */
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12344", 0, "00012344" }, /* equivalent: 00012000003, Check digit: 4 */
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456", 0, "01234565" }, /* equivalent: 01234500006, Check digit: 5 */
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "123457", 0, "00123457" }, /* equivalent: 00123400005, Check digit: 7 */
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "1234567", 0, "12345670" }, /* equivalent: 12345600007, Check digit: 0 */
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234565", 0, "01234565" }, /* equivalent: 01234500006, Check digit: 5 */
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345678", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "" },
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345670", 0, "12345670" }, /* equivalent: 12345600007, Check digit: 0 */
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12345678", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "" },
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12345670", 0, "12345670" }, /* equivalent: 12345600007, Check digit: 0 */
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456789", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "" },
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "123456789", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "" },
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" },
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "1234567A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" },
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345678A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" },
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234567A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12345678A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "2345678", 0, "03456781" }, /* 2 ignored, equivalent: 03456700008, Check digit: 1 */
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "23456781", 0, "03456781" }, /* 2 ignored, equivalent: 03456700008, Check digit: 1 */
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123455", 0, "01234558" }, /* equivalent: 01234500005, Check digit: 8 (BS 797 Rule 3 (a)) */
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234558", 0, "01234558" }, /* equivalent: 01234500005, Check digit: 8 (BS 797 Rule 3 (a)) */
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "456784", 0, "04567840" }, /* equivalent: 04567000008, Check digit: 0 (BS 797 Rule 3 (b)) */
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "4567840", 0, "04567840" }, /* equivalent: 04567000008, Check digit: 0 (BS 797 Rule 3 (b)) */
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "345670", 0, "03456703" }, /* equivalent: 03400000567, Check digit: 3 (BS 797 Rule 3 (c)) */
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "3456703", 0, "03456703" }, /* equivalent: 03400000567, Check digit: 3 (BS 797 Rule 3 (c)) */
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "984753", 0, "09847531" }, /* equivalent: 09840000075, Check digit: 1 (BS 797 Rule 3 (d)) */
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "9847531", 0, "09847531" }, /* equivalent: 09840000075, Check digit: 1 (BS 797 Rule 3 (d)) */
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "120453", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 3, 3rd can't be 0, 1 or 2 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 1) */
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "121453", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 3, 3rd can't be 0, 1 or 2 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 1) */
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "122453", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 3, 3rd can't be 0, 1 or 2 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 1) */
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123453", 0, "01234531" },
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123054", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 4, 4th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 2) */
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123154", 0, "01231542" },
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123405", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 5, 5th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 3) */
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123455", 0, "01234558" },
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123406", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 6, 5th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 3) */
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456", 0, "01234565" },
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123407", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 7, 5th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 3) */
/* 42*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123457", 0, "01234572" },
/* 43*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123408", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 8, 5th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 3) */
/* 44*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123458", 0, "01234589" },
/* 45*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123409", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "" }, /* If last digit (emode) 9, 5th can't be 0 (BS 787 Table 5 NOTE 3) */
/* 46*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123459", 0, "01234596" },
/* 47*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 48*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "000001", 0, "00000019" },
/* 49*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "000002", 0, "00000028" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[4096];
char cmp_buf[4096];
char cmp_msg[1024];
int do_bwipp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_BWIPP) && testUtilHaveGhostscript(); /* Only do BWIPP test if asked, too slow otherwise */
int do_zxingcpp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_ZXINGCPP) && testUtilHaveZXingCPPDecoder(); /* Only do ZXing-C++ test if asked, too slow otherwise */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
if (do_bwipp && testUtilCanBwipp(i, symbol, -1, -1, -1, debug)) {
char modules_dump[8192 + 1];
assert_notequal(testUtilModulesDump(symbol, modules_dump, sizeof(modules_dump)), -1, "i:%d testUtilModulesDump == -1\n", i);
ret = testUtilBwipp(i, symbol, -1, -1, -1, data[i].hrt, (int) strlen(data[i].hrt), NULL, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), NULL);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwipp ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilBwippCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, modules_dump);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwippCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %s\nexpected: %s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, modules_dump);
if (do_zxingcpp && testUtilCanZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, debug)) {
int cmp_len, ret_len;
char modules_dump[8192 + 1];
assert_notequal(testUtilModulesDump(symbol, modules_dump, sizeof(modules_dump)), -1, "i:%d testUtilModulesDump == -1\n", i);
ret = testUtilZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, modules_dump, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), &cmp_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPP ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilZXingCPPCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, cmp_len, data[i].hrt, (int) strlen(data[i].hrt), NULL /*primary*/, escaped, &ret_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPPCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %.*s\nexpected: %.*s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_len, cmp_buf, ret_len, escaped);
/* Note requires ZINT_SANITIZE to be set */
static void test_upca_print(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "01234567890", 0 },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
strcpy(symbol->outfile, "out.gif");
ret = ZBarcode_Print(symbol, 0);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s ZBarcode_Print %s ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(data[i].symbology), symbol->outfile, ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(testUtilRemove(symbol->outfile), "i:%d testUtilRemove(%s) != 0\n", i, symbol->outfile);
static void test_upca_input(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901", 0 },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "1234567890", 0 },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012", 0 }, /* UPC-A accepts CHK */
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789011", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "1234567890123", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901+1", 0 },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+1", 0 },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789013+1", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901+12", 0 },
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+12", 0 },
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789014+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901+123", 0 },
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+123", 0 },
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789015+123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+1234", 0 },
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789016+1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+12345", 0 },
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789017+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789017+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789017+12345A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789012", 0 },
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789011", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234567890123", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789012A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678901A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678901", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905", 0 },
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234567895", 0 },
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456784", 0 },
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345670", 0 },
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234565", 0 },
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123457", 0 },
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12348", 0 },
/* 43*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1236", 0 },
/* 44*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123", 0 }, /* Happens to be correct check digit */
/* 47*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "17", 0 },
/* 49*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "0", 0 },
/* 50*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905+12", 0 },
/* 51*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905+12345", 0 },
/* 52*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 53*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905+12345A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 54*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345678905+1234A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 55*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234567895+12345", 0 },
/* 56*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234567891+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 57*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456784+12345", 0 },
/* 58*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456782+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 59*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345670+12345", 0 },
/* 60*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12345673+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 61*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234565+12345", 0 },
/* 62*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1234564+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 63*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123457+12345", 0 },
/* 64*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123455+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 65*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12348+12345", 0 },
/* 66*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "12346+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK },
/* 67*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "1236+12345", 0 },
/* 69*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123+12345", 0 },
/* 71*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "17+12345", 0 },
/* 74*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "0+12345", 0 },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
static void test_eanx_input(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret;
char *ret_errtxt;
char *comment;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012", 0, "", "" },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901", 0, "", "" },
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128", 0, "", "EANX accepts CHK (treated as such if no leading zeroes required)" },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890120", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '0', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+1", 0, "", "" },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+1", 0, "", "" },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890121+1", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '1', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+12", 0, "", "" },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+12", 0, "", "" },
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890122+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '2', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234+12", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012345+12", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890123456+12", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+123", 0, "", "" },
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+123", 0, "", "" },
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890123+123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '3', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234+123", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012345+123", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+1234", 0, "", "" },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+1234", 0, "", "" },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890124+1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '4', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234+1234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+12345", 0, "", "" },
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+12345", 0, "", "" },
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234+12345", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 283: Input too long (19 character maximum)", "" },
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890125+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '5', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 283: Input too long (19 character maximum)", "" },
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901+1234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890+1234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789+1234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "EAN-8" },
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 42*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 43*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1+12345678901234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 44*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1+12345", 0, "", "" },
/* 45*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1+", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/* 46*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "+1", 0, "", "EAN-8" },
/* 47*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "+", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/* 48*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/* 49*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/* 50*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123", 0, "", "EAN-5" },
/* 51*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 52*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890123A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 53*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012345", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 54*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 55*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 56*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 57*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012345678", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 58*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890123456789", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 59*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128", 0, "", "" },
/* 60*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890126", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '6', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 61*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 62*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012", 0, "", "Note: this is '0123456789012' with '2' happening to be the correct check digit" },
/* 63*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789013", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '3', expecting '2'", "" },
/* 64*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '1', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 65*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678905", 0, "", "" },
/* 66*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '0', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 67*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '9', expecting '4'", "" },
/* 68*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '8', expecting '0'", "EAN-8" },
/* 69*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '7', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 70*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '6', expecting '7'", "" },
/* 71*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345", 0, "", "EAN-5" },
/* 72*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234", 0, "", "" },
/* 73*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123", 0, "", "" },
/* 74*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/* 75*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1", 0, "", "" },
/* 76*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+1", 0, "", "" },
/* 77*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+1", 0, "", "" },
/* 78*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890127+1", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '7', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 79*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+12", 0, "", "" },
/* 80*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+12", 0, "", "" },
/* 81*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890129+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '9', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 82*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+123", 0, "", "" },
/* 83*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+123", 0, "", "" },
/* 84*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890120+1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '0', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 85*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+1234", 0, "", "" },
/* 86*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+1234", 0, "", "" },
/* 87*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890121+1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '1', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 88*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+12345", 0, "", "" },
/* 89*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+12345", 0, "", "" },
/* 90*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890122+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '2', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 91*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890122+1234A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 92*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 93*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012+12345A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 94*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 283: Input too long (19 character maximum)", "" },
/* 95*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 96*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901+1234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 97*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '1', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 98*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '0', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 99*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/*100*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 275: Invalid check digit '9', expecting '4'", "" },
/*101*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '8', expecting '0'", "EAN-8" },
/*102*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345670+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*103*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '7', expecting '5'", "" },
/*104*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234565+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*105*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '6', expecting '7'", "" },
/*106*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123457+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*107*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '5', expecting '8'", "" },
/*108*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12348+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*109*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '4', expecting '6'", "" },
/*110*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1236+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*111*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123+12345", 0, "", "3 happens to be correct check digit" },
/*112*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "124+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '4', expecting '3'", "" },
/*113*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '2', expecting '7'", "" },
/*114*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "17+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*115*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, "Error 276: Invalid check digit '1', expecting '0'", "" },
/*116*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "0+12345", 0, "", "" },
/*117*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "0+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/*118*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1+12345678901234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/*119*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "0+12345678901234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/*120*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1+", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/*121*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "+1", 0, "", "EAN-8" },
/*122*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "+", 0, "", "EAN-2" },
/*123*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901234", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*124*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890123A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Error 284: Invalid character in data (digits and \"+\" only)", "" },
/*125*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012345", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*126*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*127*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345678901234567", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*128*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012345678", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*129*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890123456789", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char errtxt_escaped[256];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
if (p_ctx->generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, \"%s\", %s, \"%s\", \"%s\" },\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(data[i].symbology), data[i].data, testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret),
testUtilEscape(symbol->errtxt, (int) strlen(symbol->errtxt), errtxt_escaped, sizeof(errtxt_escaped)),
} else {
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(strcmp(symbol->errtxt, data[i].ret_errtxt), "i:%d errtxt %s != %s\n", i, symbol->errtxt, data[i].ret_errtxt);
static void test_isbn_input(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
char *data;
int ret_encode;
int ret_vector;
char *ret_errtxt;
char *comment;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { "0", 0, 0, "", "Left zero-padded if < 10 chars" },
/* 1*/ { "1", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '1', expecting '0'", "" },
/* 2*/ { "X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit 'X', expecting '0'", "" },
/* 3*/ { "12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '2', expecting '9'", "" },
/* 4*/ { "19", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 5*/ { "X9", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 6*/ { "123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '3', expecting '4'", "" },
/* 7*/ { "124", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 8*/ { "1X4", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 9*/ { "1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '4', expecting '6'", "" },
/* 10*/ { "1236", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 11*/ { "12X6", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 12*/ { "12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '5', expecting '3'", "" },
/* 13*/ { "12343", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 14*/ { "123X3", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 15*/ { "123456", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '6', expecting '5'", "" },
/* 16*/ { "123455", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 17*/ { "1234X5", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 18*/ { "1234567", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '7', expecting '0'", "" },
/* 19*/ { "1234560", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 20*/ { "12345X0", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 21*/ { "12345678", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '8', expecting '9'", "" },
/* 22*/ { "12345679", 0, 0, "", "9 is correct check digit" },
/* 23*/ { "98765434", 0, 0, "", "4 is correct check digit" },
/* 24*/ { "123456X9", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 25*/ { "123456789", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 26*/ { "340013817", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '7', expecting '8'", "" },
/* 27*/ { "340013818", 0, 0, "", "8 is correct check digit" },
/* 28*/ { "902888455", 0, 0, "", "5 is correct check digit" },
/* 29*/ { "9028884X5", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 30*/ { "0123456789", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 31*/ { "1234567890", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid ISBN check digit '0', expecting 'X'", "" },
/* 32*/ { "123456789X", 0, 0, "", "X is correct check digit" },
/* 33*/ { "123456789x", 0, 0, "", "x is correct check digit" },
/* 34*/ { "8175257660", 0, 0, "", "0 is correct check digit" },
/* 35*/ { "0590764845", 0, 0, "", "5 is correct check digit" },
/* 36*/ { "0906495741", 0, 0, "", "1 is correct check digit" },
/* 37*/ { "0140430016", 0, 0, "", "6 is correct check digit" },
/* 38*/ { "0571086187", 0, 0, "", "7 is correct check digit" },
/* 39*/ { "0486600882", 0, 0, "", "2 is correct check digit" },
/* 40*/ { "04866008X2", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 41*/ { "123456789A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 285: Invalid character in data (digits, \"X\" and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 42*/ { "12345678901", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 278: Input wrong length (9, 10, or 13 characters only)", "" },
/* 43*/ { "1234567890A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 285: Invalid character in data (digits, \"X\" and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 44*/ { "123456789012", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 278: Input wrong length (9, 10, or 13 characters only)", "" },
/* 45*/ { "12345678901", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 278: Input wrong length (9, 10, or 13 characters only)", "" },
/* 46*/ { "123456789012", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 278: Input wrong length (9, 10, or 13 characters only)", "" },
/* 47*/ { "1234567890123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 279: Invalid ISBN (must begin with \"978\" or \"979\")", "" },
/* 48*/ { "9784567890123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 280: Invalid ISBN check digit '3', expecting '0'", "" },
/* 49*/ { "9784567890120", 0, 0, "", "0 is correct check digit" },
/* 50*/ { "9783161484100", 0, 0, "", "0 is correct check digit" },
/* 51*/ { "9781846688225", 0, 0, "", "5 is correct check digit" },
/* 52*/ { "9781847657954", 0, 0, "", "4 is correct check digit" },
/* 53*/ { "9781846688188", 0, 0, "", "8 is correct check digit" },
/* 54*/ { "9781847659293", 0, 0, "", "3 is correct check digit" },
/* 55*/ { "97845678901201", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 56*/ { "978456789012012", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/* 57*/ { "3954994+12", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 58*/ { "3954994+1X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 59*/ { "39549X4+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 60*/ { "3954994+12345", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 61*/ { "3954994+1234X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 62*/ { "39549X4+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 63*/ { "3954994+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 294: Input too long (5 character maximum for add-on)", "" },
/* 64*/ { "3954994+", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 65*/ { "3954X94+", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 66*/ { "61954993+1", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 67*/ { "61954993+X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 68*/ { "619549X3+1", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 69*/ { "61954992+123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '2', expecting '3'", "" },
/* 70*/ { "61954993+123", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 71*/ { "61954993+12X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 72*/ { "619549X3+123", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 73*/ { "361954990+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid SBN check digit '0', expecting '9'", "" },
/* 74*/ { "361954999+12", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 75*/ { "361954999+1X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 76*/ { "3619549X9+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 77*/ { "361954999+1234", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 78*/ { "361954999+123X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 79*/ { "3619549X9+1234", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 80*/ { "1999000030+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid ISBN check digit '0', expecting 'X'", "" },
/* 81*/ { "199900003X+12", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 82*/ { "199900003x+12", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 83*/ { "19990000XX+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 84*/ { "199900003X+1X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 85*/ { "1999000031+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 281: Invalid ISBN check digit '1', expecting 'X'", "" },
/* 86*/ { "199900003X+12345", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 87*/ { "199900003x+12345", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 88*/ { "199900003X+1234X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 89*/ { "19990000XX+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 296: Invalid character in data, \"X\" allowed in last position only", "" },
/* 90*/ { "199900003X+1234A", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 285: Invalid character in data (digits, \"X\" and \"+\" only)", "" },
/* 91*/ { "9791234567895+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 280: Invalid ISBN check digit '5', expecting '6'", "" },
/* 92*/ { "9791234567896+12", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 93*/ { "9791234567896+1X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 94*/ { "97912345678X6+12", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 282: Invalid character in data, \"X\" not allowed in ISBN-13", "" },
/* 95*/ { "9791234567897+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 280: Invalid ISBN check digit '7', expecting '6'", "" },
/* 96*/ { "9791234567896+12345", 0, 0, "", "" },
/* 97*/ { "9791234567896+1234X", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 295: Invalid add-on data (digits only)", "" },
/* 98*/ { "979123456X896+12345", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 282: Invalid character in data, \"X\" not allowed in ISBN-13", "" },
/* 99*/ { "9791234567892+", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_CHECK, -1, "Error 280: Invalid ISBN check digit '2', expecting '6'", "" },
/*100*/ { "9791234567896+", 0, 0, "", "" },
/*101*/ { "97912345678X6+", ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, -1, "Error 282: Invalid character in data, \"X\" not allowed in ISBN-13", "" },
/*102*/ { "97912345678961+", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 294: Input too long (13 character maximum)", "" },
/*103*/ { "97912345678961+12345", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 283: Input too long (19 character maximum)", "" },
/*104*/ { "9791234567896+123456", ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG, -1, "Error 283: Input too long (19 character maximum)", "" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char errtxt_escaped[256];
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, BARCODE_ISBNX, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
if (p_ctx->generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { \"%s\", %s, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\" },\n",
i, data[i].data, testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret_encode), data[i].ret_vector,
testUtilEscape(symbol->errtxt, (int) strlen(symbol->errtxt), errtxt_escaped, sizeof(errtxt_escaped)),
} else {
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_encode, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_encode, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(strcmp(symbol->errtxt, data[i].ret_errtxt), "i:%d errtxt %s != %s\n", i, symbol->errtxt, data[i].ret_errtxt);
if (data[i].ret_vector != -1) {
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector(symbol, 0);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_vector, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_vector, symbol->errtxt);
static void test_hrt(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret;
char *expected;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678901", 0, "0123456789012" },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456789012", 0, "1234567890128" },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128", 0, "1234567890128" }, /* EANX accepts CHK (treated as such if no leading zeroes required) */
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128", 0, "1234567890128" },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123456789012", 0, "0123456789012" }, /* '2' happens to be correct check digit for "012345678901" */
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567890128+1", 0, "1234567890128+01" },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "1234567890128+1", 0, "1234567890128+01" },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345678", 0, "0000123456784" },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1234567", 0, "12345670" }, /* EAN-8 */
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "12345670", 0, "12345670" }, /* EAN-8 */
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123456", 0, "01234565" }, /* EAN-8 */
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "123457", 0, "00123457" }, /* EAN-8 */
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12345", 0, "12345" }, /* EAN-5 */
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "123", 0, "00123" }, /* EAN-5 */
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "12", 0, "12" }, /* EAN-2 */
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "1", 0, "01" }, /* EAN-2 */
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "0", 0, "00" }, /* EAN-2 */
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "0", 0, "9780000000002" },
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "123456789X", 0, "9781234567897" },
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "9781234567897", 0, "9781234567897" },
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "9791234567896+12", 0, "9791234567896+12" },
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678901", 0, "123456789012" },
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789012", 0, "123456789012" },
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789012", 0, "123456789012" },
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "12345678905+1", 0, "123456789050+01" },
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789050+1", 0, "123456789050+01" },
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "123456789050+123", 0, "123456789050+00123" },
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "123456789050+123", 0, "123456789050+00123" },
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345", 0, "00123457" }, /* equivalent: 00123400005, hrt: 00123457, Check digit: 7 */
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12344", 0, "00012344" }, /* equivalent: 00012000003, hrt: 00012344, Check digit: 4 */
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456", 0, "01234565" }, /* equivalent: 01234500006, hrt: 01234565, Check digit: 5 */
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "123457", 0, "00123457" }, /* equivalent: 00123400005, hrt: 00123457, Check digit: 7 */
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "1234567", 0, "12345670" }, /* equivalent: 12345600007, hrt: 12345670, Check digit: 0 */
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234565", 0, "01234565" }, /* equivalent: 01234500006, hrt: 01234565, Check digit: 5 */
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12345670", 0, "12345670" }, /* equivalent: 12345600007, hrt: 12345670, Check digit: 0 */
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "2345678", 0, "03456781" }, /* 2 ignored, equivalent: 03456700008, hrt: 03456781, Check digit: 1 */
/* 36*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "23456781", 0, "03456781" }, /* 2 ignored, equivalent: 03456700008, hrt: 03456781, Check digit: 1 */
/* 37*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123455", 0, "01234558" }, /* equivalent: 01234500005, hrt: 01234558, Check digit: 8 (BS 797 Rule 3 (a)) */
/* 38*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234558", 0, "01234558" }, /* equivalent: 01234500005, hrt: 01234558, Check digit: 8 (BS 797 Rule 3 (a)) */
/* 39*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "456784", 0, "04567840" }, /* equivalent: 04567000008, hrt: 04567840, Check digit: 0 (BS 797 Rule 3 (b)) */
/* 40*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "4567840", 0, "04567840" }, /* equivalent: 04567000008, hrt: 04567840, Check digit: 0 (BS 797 Rule 3 (b)) */
/* 41*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "345670", 0, "03456703" }, /* equivalent: 03400000567, hrt: 03456703, Check digit: 3 (BS 797 Rule 3 (c)) */
/* 42*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "3456703", 0, "03456703" }, /* equivalent: 03400000567, hrt: 03456703, Check digit: 3 (BS 797 Rule 3 (c)) */
/* 43*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "984753", 0, "09847531" }, /* equivalent: 09840000075, hrt: 09847531, Check digit: 1 (BS 797 Rule 3 (d)) */
/* 44*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "9847531", 0, "09847531" }, /* equivalent: 09840000075, hrt: 09847531, Check digit: 1 (BS 797 Rule 3 (d)) */
/* 45*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123453", 0, "01234531" },
/* 46*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 47*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "0000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 48*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "1000000", 0, "10000007" },
/* 49*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "2000000", 0, "00000000" }, /* First char 2-9 ignored, replaced with 0 */
/* 50*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "3000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 51*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "8000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 52*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "9000000", 0, "00000000" },
/* 53*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "1234567+1", 0, "12345670+01" },
/* 54*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "12345670+1", 0, "12345670+01" },
/* 55*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "12345670+1", 0, "12345670+01" },
/* 56*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234565+1", 0, "01234565+01" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(strcmp((const char *) symbol->text, data[i].expected), "i:%d strcmp(%s, %s) != 0\n", i, symbol->text, data[i].expected);
static void test_vector_same(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int ret_encode;
int ret_vector;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "123456", 0, 0 },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "1234565", 0, 0 }, /* 5 is correct check digit */
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "0195049969", 0, 0 }, /* 9 is correct check digit */
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
struct zint_vector *vectors[4];
int vectors_size = ARRAY_SIZE(vectors);
int j;
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
for (j = 0; j < vectors_size; j++) {
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_encode, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_encode, symbol->errtxt);
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector(symbol, 0);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret_vector, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer_Vector ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret_vector, symbol->errtxt);
assert_nonnull(symbol->vector, "i:%d symbol->vector NULL\n", i);
vectors[j] = testUtilVectorCpy(symbol->vector);
for (j = 1; j < vectors_size; j++) {
ret = testUtilVectorCmp(vectors[j - 1], vectors[j]);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d testUtilVectorCmp ret %d != 0\n", i, ret);
for (j = 0; j < vectors_size; j++) {
struct zint_symbol symbol_vector;
symbol_vector.vector = vectors[j];
/* https://www.isbn-international.org/content/isbn-users-manual ISBN Users' Manual */
/* https://bisg.org/page/BarcodingGuidelines BISG Barcode Guidelines for the US Book Industry (BISG BGUSBI) */
static void test_encode(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
char *expected;
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, -1, "01234567890", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure 5.1-1 UPC-A (also Figure,, 6.4.9-1. and BS EN 797:1996 Figure 3)",
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "4512345678906", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure 5.1-1 EAN-13",
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, -1, "9501101531000", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure EAN-13 (also Figure,,,",
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "9501234", 0, 1, 67, "GGS Figure EAN-8",
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, -1, "0012345", 0, 1, 51, "GGS Figure UPC-E (also BS EN 797:1996 Figure 4)",
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "9771384524017+12", 0, 1, 122, "GGS Figure EAN-13 barcode with two-digit add-on",
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "9780877799306+54321", 0, 1, 149, "GGS Figure EAN-13 barcode with five-digit add-on",
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "501234567890", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure EAN-13 (also BS EN 797:1996 Figure 1)",
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "2012345", 0, 1, 67, "GGS Figure EAN-8",
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, -1, "00783491", 0, 1, 51, "GGS Figure UPC-E",
/* 10*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, -1, "01234567890+24", 0, 1, 124, "GGS Figure UPC-A barcode with two-digit add-on",
/* 11*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "1234567891019+45678", 0, 1, 149, "GGS Figure EAN-13 barcode with five-digit add-on",
/* 12*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "5024425377399", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure EAN-13",
/* 13*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, -1, "614141000302", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure UPC-A",
/* 14*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, -1, "61414123440", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure 6.4.17-2. UPC-A Daisy 5pc Set",
/* 15*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "5410038302178", 0, 1, 95, "GGS Figure EAN-13",
/* 16*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "501234567890+12", 0, 1, 122, "BS EN 797:1996 Figure 5 EAN-13 with 2-digit add-on",
/* 17*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "501234567890+86104", 0, 1, 149, "BS EN 797:1996 Figure 6 EAN-13 with 5-digit add-on",
/* 18*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, -1, "614141234417+12345", 0, 1, 151, "Example of UPC-A with 5-digit add-on",
/* 19*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, -1, "1234567+12", 0, 1, 78, "Example of UPC-E with 2-digit add-on",
/* 20*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, -1, "12345670+12345", 0, 1, 105, "Example of UPC-E with 5-digit add-on",
/* 21*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "1234567+12", 0, 1, 94, "Example of EAN-8 with 2-digit add-on",
/* 22*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, -1, "12345670+12345", 0, 1, 121, "Example of EAN-8 with 5-digit add-on",
/* 23*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "54321", 0, 1, 47, "Example of EAN-5",
/* 24*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "21", 0, 1, 20, "Example of EAN-2",
/* 25*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, 9, "76543210+21", 0, 1, 96, "Example of EAN-8 barcode with two-digit add-on, addon_gap 9",
/* 26*/ { BARCODE_EANX, 12, "7654321+54321", 0, 1, 126, "Example of EAN-8 barcode with five-digit add-on, addon_gap 12",
/* 27*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, 10, "210987654329+21", 0, 1, 125, "Example of UPC-A with 2-digit add-on, addon_gap 10",
/* 28*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, 12, "21098765432+12121", 0, 1, 154, "Example of UPC-A with 5-digit add-on, addon_gap 12",
/* 29*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, 8, "06543217+21", 0, 1, 79, "Example of UPC-E with 2-digit add-on, addon_gap 8",
/* 30*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, 11, "1654321+12121", 0, 1, 109, "Example of UPC-E with 5-digit add-on, addon_gap 11",
/* 31*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, -1, "9789295055124", 0, 1, 95, "ISBN Users' Manual 7th Ed. 13.2",
/* 32*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, -1, "9780123456786+50995", 0, 1, 149, "BISG BGUSBI Figure 1: Bookland EAN (with Price Add-On) (and Figures 4, 5, 6)",
/* 33*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, -1, "9781402894626+50495", 0, 1, 149, "BISG BGUSBI Figure 2",
/* 34*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, 10, "9780940016644+50750", 0, 1, 152, "BISG BGUSBI Figure 3, addon_gap 10",
/* 35*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, -1, "9791234567896+12", 0, 1, 122, "Example of ISBN with 2-digit add-on",
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
char escaped[4096];
char cmp_buf[4096];
char cmp_msg[1024];
int do_bwipp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_BWIPP) && testUtilHaveGhostscript(); /* Only do BWIPP test if asked, too slow otherwise */
int do_zxingcpp = (debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_ZXINGCPP) && testUtilHaveZXingCPPDecoder(); /* Only do ZXing-C++ test if asked, too slow otherwise */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
if (p_ctx->generate) {
printf(" /*%3d*/ { %s, %d, \"%s\", %s, %d, %d, \"%s\",\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(data[i].symbology), data[i].option_2, data[i].data, testUtilErrorName(data[i].ret), symbol->rows, symbol->width, data[i].comment);
testUtilModulesPrint(symbol, " ", "\n");
printf(" },\n");
} else {
if (ret < ZINT_ERROR) {
int width, row;
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
ret = testUtilModulesCmp(symbol, data[i].expected, &width, &row);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d testUtilModulesCmp ret %d != 0 width %d row %d (%s)\n", i, ret, width, row, data[i].data);
if (do_bwipp && testUtilCanBwipp(i, symbol, -1, data[i].option_2, -1, debug)) {
ret = testUtilBwipp(i, symbol, -1, data[i].option_2, -1, data[i].data, length, NULL, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), NULL);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwipp ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilBwippCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, data[i].expected);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilBwippCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %s\nexpected: %s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, data[i].expected);
if (do_zxingcpp && testUtilCanZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, debug)) {
int cmp_len, ret_len;
char modules_dump[8192 + 1];
assert_notequal(testUtilModulesDump(symbol, modules_dump, sizeof(modules_dump)), -1, "i:%d testUtilModulesDump == -1\n", i);
ret = testUtilZXingCPP(i, symbol, data[i].data, length, modules_dump, cmp_buf, sizeof(cmp_buf), &cmp_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPP ret %d != 0\n", i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret);
ret = testUtilZXingCPPCmp(symbol, cmp_msg, cmp_buf, cmp_len, data[i].data, length, NULL /*primary*/, escaped, &ret_len);
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d %s testUtilZXingCPPCmp %d != 0 %s\n actual: %.*s\nexpected: %.*s\n",
i, testUtilBarcodeName(symbol->symbology), ret, cmp_msg, cmp_len, cmp_buf, ret_len, escaped);
/* #181 Christian Hartlage OSS-Fuzz */
static void test_fuzz(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
char *data;
int length;
int ret;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "55++15", -1, ZINT_ERROR_INVALID_DATA },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_EANX_CHK, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_UPCA_CHK, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_UPCE_CHK, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_ISBNX, "+123456789012345678", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "+12345", -1, 0 },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "+123456", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG },
/*10*/ { BARCODE_EANX, "000002000000200+203", -1, ZINT_ERROR_TOO_LONG }, /* #218 Jan Schrewe CI-Fuzz */
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, -1 /*input_mode*/, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, -1, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, data[i].length, debug);
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
#include <time.h>
#define TEST_PERF_TIME(arg) (((arg) * 1000.0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
/* Not a real test, just performance indicator */
static void test_perf(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
int debug = p_ctx->debug;
struct item {
int symbology;
int option_2;
char *data;
int ret;
int expected_rows;
int expected_width;
char *comment;
/* s/\/\*[ 0-9]*\*\//\=printf("\/\*%3d*\/", line(".") - line("'<")): */
struct item data[] = {
/* 0*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "123456789012+12345", 0, 1, 149, "EAN-13 add-on 5" },
/* 1*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "123456789012", 0, 1, 95, "EAN-13 no add-on" },
/* 2*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, -1, "12345678901+12345", 0, 1, 151, "UPC-A add-on 5" },
/* 3*/ { BARCODE_UPCA, -1, "12345678901", 0, 1, 95, "UPC-A no add-on" },
/* 4*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "1234567+12345", 0, 1, 121, "EAN-8 add-on 5" },
/* 5*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "1234567", 0, 1, 67, "EAN-8 no add-on" },
/* 6*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, -1, "1234567+12", 0, 1, 78, "UPC-E add-on 2" },
/* 7*/ { BARCODE_UPCE, -1, "1234567", 0, 1, 51, "UPC-E no add-on" },
/* 8*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "12345", 0, 1, 47, "EAN-5" },
/* 9*/ { BARCODE_EANX, -1, "12", 0, 1, 20, "EAN-2" },
int data_size = ARRAY_SIZE(data);
int i, length, ret;
struct zint_symbol *symbol;
clock_t start;
clock_t total_create = 0, total_encode = 0, total_buffer = 0, total_buf_inter = 0, total_print = 0;
clock_t diff_create, diff_encode, diff_buffer, diff_buf_inter, diff_print;
int comment_max = 0;
if (!(debug & ZINT_DEBUG_TEST_PERFORMANCE)) { /* -d 256 */
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) if ((int) strlen(data[i].comment) > comment_max) comment_max = (int) strlen(data[i].comment);
printf("Iterations %d\n", TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS);
for (i = 0; i < data_size; i++) {
int j;
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;
diff_create = diff_encode = diff_buffer = diff_buf_inter = diff_print = 0;
for (j = 0; j < TEST_PERF_ITERATIONS; j++) {
start = clock();
symbol = ZBarcode_Create();
diff_create += clock() - start;
assert_nonnull(symbol, "Symbol not created\n");
length = testUtilSetSymbol(symbol, data[i].symbology, DATA_MODE, -1 /*eci*/, -1 /*option_1*/, data[i].option_2, -1, -1 /*output_options*/, data[i].data, -1, debug);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Encode(symbol, (unsigned char *) data[i].data, length);
diff_encode += clock() - start;
assert_equal(ret, data[i].ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Encode ret %d != %d (%s)\n", i, ret, data[i].ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_equal(symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, "i:%d symbol->rows %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->rows, data[i].expected_rows, data[i].data);
assert_equal(symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, "i:%d symbol->width %d != %d (%s)\n", i, symbol->width, data[i].expected_width, data[i].data);
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buffer += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
symbol->output_options |= OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE;
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Buffer(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_buf_inter += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Buffer OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
symbol->output_options &= ~OUT_BUFFER_INTERMEDIATE; /* Undo */
start = clock();
ret = ZBarcode_Print(symbol, 0 /*rotate_angle*/);
diff_print += clock() - start;
assert_zero(ret, "i:%d ZBarcode_Print ret %d != 0 (%s)\n", i, ret, symbol->errtxt);
assert_zero(testUtilRemove(symbol->outfile), "i:%d testUtilRemove(%s) != 0\n", i, symbol->outfile);
printf("%*s: encode % 8gms, buffer % 8gms, buf_inter % 8gms, print % 8gms, create % 8gms\n", comment_max, data[i].comment,
TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_encode), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_buffer), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_buf_inter), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_print), TEST_PERF_TIME(diff_create));
total_create += diff_create;
total_encode += diff_encode;
total_buffer += diff_buffer;
total_buf_inter += diff_buf_inter;
total_print += diff_print;
if (p_ctx->index == -1) {
printf("%*s: encode % 8gms, buffer % 8gms, buf_inter % 8gms, print % 8gms, create % 8gms\n", comment_max, "totals",
TEST_PERF_TIME(total_encode), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_buffer), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_buf_inter), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_print), TEST_PERF_TIME(total_create));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
testFunction funcs[] = { /* name, func */
{ "test_upce_input", test_upce_input },
{ "test_upca_print", test_upca_print },
{ "test_upca_input", test_upca_input },
{ "test_eanx_input", test_eanx_input },
{ "test_isbn_input", test_isbn_input },
{ "test_hrt", test_hrt },
{ "test_vector_same", test_vector_same },
{ "test_encode", test_encode },
{ "test_fuzz", test_fuzz },
{ "test_perf", test_perf },
testRun(argc, argv, funcs, ARRAY_SIZE(funcs));
return 0;
/* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */