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Removing packages in a feature's pkglists that seemed to be
reusable caused to have been a disastrous idea; fix that,
and let the distro-specific bits care for particular removals
(if these are still needed with m-p).
Based on ALT Linux School 7.0.5 Junior and Simply Linux target:
- simplify rules
- use list with educational software missing in Simply Linux
- fix Simply Linux build on Sisyphus
It looks *ugly* on-screen, at least within regular builds,
even if the screen is 166dpi.
Based on a quick experiment this morning I'd suggest using
fonts-otf-adobe-source-{code,sans}-pro instead -- and it's
available as use/fonts/otf/adobe now, incidentally.
The documentation is still built with it though as a2x/fop look
unhappy otherwise (as in replacing Cyrillic glyphs with "#"s).
gdm-theme-simply is still around but turns out that it counts
on gdm2.20 (providing gdm) to be installed, and it is not;
thus gdm-3 is actually pulled in and it doesn't work here.
The package should be dropped from Sisyphus probably,
let's drop it here anyways.
NB: for the feature to work properly the chosen branding
package set should have proper Provides: and Conflicts:,
specifically it must explicitly conflict with the most
lexicographically cool package set around (these days
it's sisyphus-server-light).
use/slinux-live: in p6 slinux had install-dvd version too
lists/slinux/misc-dvd: user 3d-proprietary comes from use/x11/3d-proprietary
lists/slinux/misc-dvd:restore compiz
slinux: use/syslinux/localboot.cfg
It is actually an effort by glebfm@ to create an experimental
systemd-based Simply Linux LiveCD; I merely reviewed the original
diff, moved kernel related bits to firmware (see preceding commits)
and introduced a dedicated pkglist namespace by creating a directory.