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Based on ALT Linux School 7.0.5 Junior and Simply Linux target:
- simplify rules
- use list with educational software missing in Simply Linux
- fix Simply Linux build on Sisyphus
It looks *ugly* on-screen, at least within regular builds,
even if the screen is 166dpi.
Based on a quick experiment this morning I'd suggest using
fonts-otf-adobe-source-{code,sans}-pro instead -- and it's
available as use/fonts/otf/adobe now, incidentally.
The documentation is still built with it though as a2x/fop look
unhappy otherwise (as in replacing Cyrillic glyphs with "#"s).
This bunch of commits was done so these can be
mixed and matched (or even reverted) later if needed;
it was tempting to just revamp things wholesale again
but coarse grained approach is worse to maintain.
...as per aen@'s advice: parole can use gst0.10 specific
hardware acceleration on Cubox but Firefox doesn't, so it's
way more reasonable to download video and watch it and not some
kind of slideshow.
Those based on x86 ones but pruned according to armh repo
presence; most notably, these are missing:
compiz compiz-gtk
java-1.6.0-sun mozilla-plugin-java-1.6.0-sun
gdm-theme-simply is still around but turns out that it counts
on gdm2.20 (providing gdm) to be installed, and it is not;
thus gdm-3 is actually pulled in and it doesn't work here.
The package should be dropped from Sisyphus probably,
let's drop it here anyways.
NB: for the feature to work properly the chosen branding
package set should have proper Provides: and Conflicts:,
specifically it must explicitly conflict with the most
lexicographically cool package set around (these days
it's sisyphus-server-light).
use/slinux-live: in p6 slinux had install-dvd version too
lists/slinux/misc-dvd: user 3d-proprietary comes from use/x11/3d-proprietary
lists/slinux/misc-dvd:restore compiz
slinux: use/syslinux/localboot.cfg
It is actually an effort by glebfm@ to create an experimental
systemd-based Simply Linux LiveCD; I merely reviewed the original
diff, moved kernel related bits to firmware (see preceding commits)
and introduced a dedicated pkglist namespace by creating a directory.