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There are quite a few potentially useful packages
implementing FUSE based (userspace) filesystems,
these are typically lightweight and still might be
helpful to someone stuck with our rescue image...
xfdashboard is a GNOME Shell-like window switching interface
and application runner; xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin is another
(KDE-like) menu search facility; thanks sem@ for suggestions.
The issue at hand is that interactivesystem pulls in
network-config-subsystem and that one has several providers
by now, systemd-networkd being one of them since recently
(and pulling in systemd).
Just the same problem as with systemd-journal; both might be
fixed by reworking mkimage to allow for different package name
resolution modes:
- "slap everything together and resolve with one-shot"
to handle conflictless situations (most of those);
- "process multiple transactions to allow for conflicts"
thus making it possible to include e.g. a few MTAs into
the provided package base.
Ensure that systemd is outside by explicitly telling so
in the pkglist.
Borders with archive+extra but that one contains standalone tools
and this is a FUSE-based one -- with more of those included in this
particular pkglist already; if we decide that it's a worthy addition
to any image requesting a bunch of archiving tools then it might move.
It's useless as of right now:
- menu file and udisks2 dependency are missing
- udisks2 itself lacks an initscript
Let's note these deficiencies at least...
It looks *ugly* on-screen, at least within regular builds,
even if the screen is 166dpi.
Based on a quick experiment this morning I'd suggest using
fonts-otf-adobe-source-{code,sans}-pro instead -- and it's
available as use/fonts/otf/adobe now, incidentally.
The documentation is still built with it though as a2x/fop look
unhappy otherwise (as in replacing Cyrillic glyphs with "#"s).
vkni@ removed fonts-bitmap-cyr_rfx-iso10646-0400
from WindowMaker dependencies; I think that's wrong
but life is short so let's compensate that here as
at least regular-gnustep.iso degrades (GNUstep menus
are rendered in fixed bitmap font then).
A nice little hack that looks up running instances of cp/mv/tar/gzip/...
in /proc and comes up with job completion percentage. Useful when one
didn't bother to use pv(1) or the process has been running for quite
some time already.
There's no sense to duplucate sysklogd requirement
in plethora of fallback places when a specific feature
responsible for comprehensive init system choice has been
implemented since; just use/init/sysv as needed.
fonts-ttf-droid have been superseded by fonts-ttf-google-droid-sans
in Sisyphus which might be lacking; I've considered replacing it
with Fira anyways, so let's just do that.
Neither qupzilla nor pcmanfm-qt will fire this up
automatically when dealing with a PDF file so rather
adding a reminder to have a look at it some day.
Non-GUI packages moved to base+nm pkglist to enable standalone
installation of those; and GTK bits left in desktop+nm for use
by images lacking their own new and improved(tm) variant.
Note that both GNOME3 and KDE4 aren't lacking anymore.
The logic is pretty much the same as with live.mk,
even somewhat extended as this has actually been
the driver of this change: some images like icewm
or lxqt-based ones might show off other browsers
explicitly (in addition to zerg@'s request).
Firefox was the very reasonable default for initial livecd
implementation but now that at least initial browser chooser
infrastructure is in place it's time to un-hardwire its use.
It's _the_ default but switchable now so that images providing
a comprehensive browser can avoid feature duplication.
This package contains a custom dialog-based dc3dd frontend
aimed to help non-expert CLI users to deal with common tasks
involving full-drive imaging and contributed by Maxim Suhanov.
These are rather foreignsic:
liblnk-tools: Tools to access the Windows Shortcut File (LNK) format
libregf-tools: Utilities to inspect Windows REGF-type Registry files
libuna-tools: Utilities from libuna for Unicode/ASCII Byte Stream conversions
libvshadow-tools: Tools to access the Volume Shadow Snapshot (VSS) format
Suggested by Maxim Sunahov and ported from OBS packages.