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"use/stage2/net-eth use/net-eth" would be common enough
for installers or livecd images to just get these pulled in
together by a convenient shortcut thus reducing confusion
and chances to just forget one of these counterparts.
It looks *ugly* on-screen, at least within regular builds,
even if the screen is 166dpi.
Based on a quick experiment this morning I'd suggest using
fonts-otf-adobe-source-{code,sans}-pro instead -- and it's
available as use/fonts/otf/adobe now, incidentally.
The documentation is still built with it though as a2x/fop look
unhappy otherwise (as in replacing Cyrillic glyphs with "#"s).
Font packages are sprinkled all over the metaprofiles,
let's try and help make their use more systematic.
This is a sort of a feature abuse as it was conceived
for fontconfig setup originally but spawning features
with confusing names looks grim; so let all things fonts
live within a feature named "fonts" for the time being.
Thanks mithraen@ for creating a universal frontend script
for udisksctl/pmount/hmount user mount tools; let's try it
within the minimalistic GUI image for the starters.
There's not much sense in overduplication of documentation
(tends to get stale faster then), still it's not good to
just refer to the code as the PDF/HTML book is less useful
then; maybe drifting towards "recommended" bits with more
"advanced" things being impleentation-defined is better.
That's a part of ALT Linux conveniences: system log
messages at tty12 (helps immensely in case of disk crash
or cable problems as running anything, including utilities
to view logs, becomes painful to impossible in such cases).
systemd lacks this kind of setup out-of-box for sure
so zerg@ hacked a substitute together; just pull that in.
vkni@ removed fonts-bitmap-cyr_rfx-iso10646-0400
from WindowMaker dependencies; I think that's wrong
but life is short so let's compensate that here as
at least regular-gnustep.iso degrades (GNUstep menus
are rendered in fixed bitmap font then).
A nice little hack that looks up running instances of cp/mv/tar/gzip/...
in /proc and comes up with job completion percentage. Useful when one
didn't bother to use pv(1) or the process has been running for quite
some time already.
There's no sense to duplucate sysklogd requirement
in plethora of fallback places when a specific feature
responsible for comprehensive init system choice has been
implemented since; just use/init/sysv as needed.
systemd-214 has major problems with starting these services,
and KDC should definitely not even try to start up before
setup (which is not feasible given that these are LiveCDs).
domain-client pkglist inhabitants and net-usershares feature
are nasty enough to bring a lot of extra garbage in unfortunately
(alterator-auth, alterator-kdc, alterator-net-shares involved).
fonts-ttf-droid have been superseded by fonts-ttf-google-droid-sans
in Sisyphus which might be lacking; I've considered replacing it
with Fira anyways, so let's just do that.
This one is long overdue as I keep forgetting to update
the published copy of generated documentation all the time.
Note that you must pass DOCS_PUBLISH (as a local directory
or host:dir suitable for rsync/ssh) via make arguments,
environment or ~/.mkimage/profiles.mk file.
Neither qupzilla nor pcmanfm-qt will fire this up
automatically when dealing with a PDF file so rather
adding a reminder to have a look at it some day.
This needs further refinement regarding p7/t7 specifically:
NM behaviour regarding defaults differs in sisyphus and this
has led to livecds booting with DHCP networking but installed
systems booting without configured interfaces.
Commit 78f2158 left those images which required NM but not
its applet explicitly broken (as in "no applet at all");
this should probably be redone alike to browser feature
but let's provide a 20140612 band-aid at least.
I thought about this again and came to conclusion that bringing
alteratord and ahttpd up or down should rather be done at the same
time as backends and frontend are useless without each other
(at least for your average sysadmin).