#!/bin/sh # DESCRIPTION # # Setup network settings # 1. Truncate /etc/resolv.conf # 2. Init /etc/hosts with " localhost" # 3. Set hostname, domainname # 4. Set defaults for NetworkManager. # REQUIRES # # Nothing # INFO # At startup time hostname may be changed by live-hostname package. . shell-config NAME="init3-network" verbose() { if [ -n "$GLOBAL_VERBOSE" ]; then echo "HOOK: $NAME: $@" fi } verbose "has started" DOMAINNAME="localdomain" HOSTNAME="localhost.localdomain" verbose "Init /etc/hosts with localhost" /bin/echo " localhost localhost.localdomain" > /etc/hosts verbose "Truncate /etc/resolv.conf" /bin/echo nameserver >/etc/resolv.conf chkconfig network on netcfg="/etc/sysconfig/network" verbose "Enable networking, disable FORWARD_IPV4, set hostname to $HOSTNAME, domainname to $DOMAINNAME" shell_config_set "$netcfg" NETWORKING yes shell_config_set "$netcfg" FORWARD_IPV4 false shell_config_set "$netcfg" HOSTNAME "$HOSTNAME" shell_config_set "$netcfg" DOMAINNAME "$DOMAINNAME" if [ -x /etc/init.d/connmand ]; then verbose "Enable connmand and finish" chkconfig --add connmand && chkconfig connmand on exit 0 fi verbose "Setup defaults for NetworkManager" shell_config_set /etc/net/ifaces/default/options-eth BOOTPROTO dhcp if [ -f /usr/sbin/NetworkManager ] ; then chkconfig --add NetworkManager && chkconfig NetworkManager on shell_config_set /etc/net/ifaces/default/options-eth NM_CONTROLLED yes shell_config_set /etc/net/ifaces/default/options-eth DISABLED yes #subst 's/NM_CONTROLLED=no/NM_CONTROLLED=yes/' /etc/net/ifaces/*/options ||: else verbose "Did you install NetworkManager? Can't find them." # Don't assign configuration to interfaces, untill ifplugd detects cable presence subst 's/USE_IFPLUGD=no/USE_IFPLUGD=yes/' /etc/net/ifaces/default/options-eth fi verbose "finished"