# globals PKGDIR := $(GLOBAL_BUILDDIR)/pkg # duplicated from metaprofile makefiles for the sake of "local" builds ARCH ?= $(shell arch | sed 's/i686/i586/') DATE ?= $(shell date +%Y%m%d) # prefix pkglist name with its directory to form a path list = $(1:%=$(PKGDIR)/lists/%) # prefix/suffix group name to form a path group = $(1:%=$(PKGDIR)/groups/%.directory) # map first argument (a function) onto second one (an argument list) map = $(foreach a,$(2),$(call $(1),$(a))) # kernel package list generation; see also #24669 NULL := SPACE := $(NULL) # the officially documented way of getting a space list2re = $(subst $(SPACE),|,$(strip $(1))) # args: KMODULES, KFLAVOURS kpackages = ^kernel-(image|modules-($(call list2re,$(1))))-($(call list2re,$(2)))$$