ifeq (ve,$(IMAGE_CLASS)) # no "vzctl enter" ve/bare: ve/.base use/init/sysv; @: # /dev/pty and friends start here ve/base: ve/bare @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,interactivesystem) # a particular package list ve/ldv: ve/bare @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,xz bzip2 glibc hostinfo less) @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,vim-console netlist rsync time) @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,openssh-blacklist openssh-server) @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,shadow-edit shadow-groups) ve/docker: ve/.base use/repo; @: # this should be more or less convenient ve/generic: ve/base use/repo @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,vim-console etckeeper) @$(call add,BASE_LISTS,openssh \ $(call tags,base && (server || network || security || pkg))) # example of service-specific template ve/openvpn: ve/bare @$(call add,BASE_LISTS,$(call tags,server openvpn)) ve/pgsql94: ve/generic @$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,postgresql9.4-server) endif