When ve/ support was introduced, a simple "make icewm.iso" had to turn into the more elaborate "make distro/icewm.iso". This latter one involves several keystrokes more, which is not even (environ)mentally friendly. This was supposed to get fixed somewhere down the road with a fallback but the elegance of IMAGE_* setup waterfall barred me from tweaking IMAGE_TARGET at once (and the downstream fixup would imply re-tweaking the consequent variables as well which is blatantly anti-mkimage-profilic being a brute fork). OTOH testing for a "directory" part of the goal is going to either deadlock on IMAGE_CLASS or duplicate its assignment. So now when I've had enough typing an extra "distro/", I'm going to just bite the bullet and tweak IMAGE_TARGET with a test duplicating IMAGE_CLASS assignment indeed (testing for e.g. "/" results in a different test, which would be worse yet). Please suggest a more elegant solution if you invent one!
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79 lines
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# steps to build a distribution image:
# --- here
# 1. initialize new profile (BUILDDIR) as a copy of image.in/
# 2. configure distro
# 3. copy the needed bits from metaprofile to a new profile
# --- in BUILDDIR
# 4. build subprofiles and subsequently an image
MKIMAGE_PROFILES = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
# only process the first target (inter-target cleanup is tricky)
IMAGE_TARGET := $(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS))# distro/server-base.iso
ifeq (./,$(dir $(IMAGE_TARGET)))# convenience fallback
IMAGE_TARGET := distro/$(IMAGE_TARGET)# for omitted "distro/"
IMAGE_CONF := $(basename $(IMAGE_TARGET))# distro/server-base
IMAGE_CLASS := $(dir $(IMAGE_TARGET))# distro/ (let's fix it)
IMAGE_CLASS := $(IMAGE_CLASS:%/=%)# distro
IMAGE_FILE := $(notdir $(IMAGE_TARGET))# server-base.iso
IMAGE_NAME := $(basename $(IMAGE_FILE))# server-base
IMAGE_TYPE := $(suffix $(IMAGE_FILE))# .iso (fix this too)
IMAGE_TYPE := $(IMAGE_TYPE:.%=%)# iso
# preferences
-include $(HOME)/.mkimage/profiles.mk
# most of the actual work done elsewhere
include lib/*.mk
include conf.d/*.mk
include features.in/*/config.mk
DISTRO_TARGETS := $(shell sed -n 's,^\(distro/[^:.]\+\):.*$$,\1,p' \
lib/distro.mk $(wildcard conf.d/*.mk) | sort)
VE_TARGETS := $(shell sed -n 's,^\(ve/[^:.]\+\):.*$$,\1,p' \
lib/ve.mk $(wildcard conf.d/*.mk) | sort)
DISTROS := $(call addsuffices,$(DISTRO_EXTS),$(DISTRO_TARGETS))
VES := $(call addsuffices,$(VE_EXTS),$(VE_TARGETS))
.DEFAULT: help
### suboptimal but at least clear, reliable and convenient
@n=1; sum=$(words $(DISTROS)); \
for distro in $(DISTROS); do \
echo "** building $$distro:"; \
$(MAKE) --no-print-directory \
ALL=$$n/$$sum \
$$distro; \
echo; \
n=$$(($$n+1)); \
$(IMAGES): debug \
config/with/$(IMAGE_CONF) \
config/like/$(IMAGE_CLASS) \
config/name/$(IMAGE_NAME) \
config/pack/$(IMAGE_TYPE) \
build; @:
# convenience shortcut
$(DISTROS:distro/%=%): %: distro/%
@echo '** available distribution targets:'
@echo $(DISTROS) | fmt -sw"$$((COLUMNS>>1))" | column -t
@echo '** available virtual environment targets:'
@echo $(VES) | fmt -sw"$$((COLUMNS>>1))" | column -t
ifeq (2,$(DEBUG))
@$(foreach v,\
$(filter IMAGE_%,$(sort $(.VARIABLES))),\
$(warning $v = $($v)))