Anton Midyukov fd1e972ceb armh-mcom02: Don't overwrite extlinux.conf, set screen resolution 1366x768
- No need to do double work.
- With screen resolution '1920x1080' there are errors getting EDID when
using fbturbo videodriver. There is a cyclical shift of the screen
image to the right.
2021-03-15 23:05:49 +07:00

17 lines
543 B

ifeq (,$(filter-out armh,$(ARCH)))
use/armh-mcom02: use/uboot use/tty/S0 use/no-sleep use/auto-resize
@$(call add_feature)
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,mcom02)
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,u-boot-mcom02-firmware-tools u-boot-mcom02)
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,extlinux-fdtdir-cleanup-filetrigger)
use/armh-mcom02/x11: use/armh-mcom02
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,xorg-drv-fbturbo)
@$(call add,UBOOT_BOOTARGS,video=HDMI:1366x768)
use/armh-mcom02/mali: use/armh-mcom02/x11
@$(call add,THE_KMODULES,mali)
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,libmali-mcom02)