This is a refactored result of Zabbix-related experiments; we can do a rough zabbix server sketch that still requires its own setup to go. NB: both the pkglist and the target are describing several distinct things actually: zabbix server, zabbix agent, and the underlying SQL/HTTP/SMTP servers which might get their own smaller targets some day.
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use/server: use/power/acpi/button
@$(call add_feature)
use/server/mini: use/server use/net-ssh use/syslinux/timeout/600
@$(call add,THE_KMODULES,e1000e igb)
@$(call add,STAGE1_KMODULES,e1000e igb)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,\
$(call tags,base && (server || network || security || pkg)))
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,extra && (server || network)))
@$(call add,MAIN_LISTS,osec)
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_DISABLE,messagebus lvm2-lvmetad)
use/server/ovz: use/server
@$(call set,STAGE1_KFLAVOUR,std-def)
@$(call set,KFLAVOURS,std-def ovz-el)
@$(call add,MAIN_KMODULES,ipset ipt-netflow opendpi pf_ring)
@$(call add,MAIN_KMODULES,xtables-addons) # t6/branch
@$(call add,MAIN_KMODULES,drbd83 kvm)
@$(call add,BASE_LISTS,ovz-server)
# NB: examine zabbix-preinstall package, initialization is NOT automatic!
use/server/zabbix: use/server use/services use/control
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,server zabbix))
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_ENABLE,zabbix_mysql zabbix_agentd)
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_ENABLE,httpd2 mysqld postfix)
@$(call add,CONTROL,postfix:server)
use/server/groups/base: use/server
@$(call add,MAIN_GROUPS,dns-server http-server ftp-server kvm-server)
@$(call add,MAIN_GROUPS,ipmi mysql-server dhcp-server mail-server)
@$(call add,MAIN_GROUPS,monitoring diag-tools)