mixin/e2k-desktop was asking for separation from its day zero, and the rest just came in naturally (the temporary patch to add lxqt and mate looked awfully with all the duplication in).
29 lines
936 B
29 lines
936 B
ifeq (vm,$(IMAGE_CLASS))
vm/.e2k-bare: vm/.bare use/e2k
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,apt)
vm/e2k-live: vm/.e2k-bare use/deflogin/live use/net-ssh use/control/sudo-su
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,ve tools))
vm/e2k-rescue: vm/e2k-live mixin/e2k-base use/services/lvm2-disable
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,agetty gpm fdisk parted smartmontools pv sshfs)
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,server && (network || extra)))
@$(call add,DEFAULT_SERVICES_DISABLE,gpm mdadm smartd)
vm/e2k-xfce: vm/e2k-rescue mixin/e2k-desktop use/x11/xfce
@$(call add,THE_PACKAGES,pnmixer)
vm/e2k-lxqt: vm/e2k-rescue mixin/e2k-desktop
@$(call add,THE_LISTS,$(call tags,(lxqt desktop) && !extra))
vm/e2k-mate: vm/systemd mixin/e2k-base mixin/e2k-desktop \
use/deflogin/live use/x11/mate; @:
vm/e2k-builder: vm/e2k-rescue use/dev/builder/base; @:
vm/e2k-samba-DC: vm/e2k-rescue
@$(call add,BASE_PACKAGES,task-samba-dc glibc-locales net-tools)